6 Helpful Things to Do Before Your Movers Arrive

Moving is a lot of work and takes significant planning. Preparing before the movers arrive helps the move go smoothly, ensures that the movers relocate your possessions correctly, and leads to an overall safer move for all involved. Here are six essential things movers want their customers to know.

1. Fully Pack Belongings Before Movers Arrive

Be packed and ready to go when the movers arrive unless you have prearranged a full-service move that includes packing. This way, the movers can simply load the boxes and furniture on the truck and get everything transported quickly. Depending on how the contract is structured, delaying packing can end up costing more money.

2. Label Boxes By Room

Before the movers arrive, label each box clearly with the room it’ll eventually go in at your new home. It helps the movers load efficiently and ensures that the boxes end up where they are supposed to be, alleviating stress for both the mover and the customer.

3. Be Accessible

With their level of experience, professional movers know what they need to do, and it’s best to give them space to do their job. It’s essential to remain accessible during the moving process, though. Stay nearby or be available by phone or text to answer questions or clarify details about your move. This helps to avoid misunderstandings and ensures a smooth relocation.

Pro Tip: To prevent injury and disruption, make arrangements for small children and pets to be taken care of at someone else’s home. Or set up a safe room at your home where they can remain supervised throughout the day. 

4. Remove Possessions From Furniture

Consult with your movers about removing your belongings from furniture, including desks, dressers, armoires, and other already bulky items, before packing. Some movers prefer that you clear these areas out to prevent unsafe moving conditions and avoid breakage, damage, or injury.

5. Preplan for Parking and Other Logistics

People who live in townhouses, apartments, cities, or other communities with limited parking should determine in advance where the truck can park and how far away it’ll be. Additionally, it’s helpful to find out about any time limits for parking or special permits.

Also, let the mover know about any other logistics they’ll need to plan for. This includes long carries, winding staircases, multiple floors, tight entryways, and pinpointing other areas that might require special handling or planning for moving large or bulky items.

6. Plan for ‘Non-Allowable” Items

Movers are not allowed to transport certain household items on moving trucks. For instance, every moving company has a list of materials it isn’t allowed to move. Typically, movers cannot transport hazardous materials, perishable foods, plants, and pets on a moving truck. Ask your mover ahead of time for their list of non-allowable items so that you can make alternate moving plans or discard these items.

Moving Help

Looking for an estimate, information, or have questions about planning an upcoming move? Contact us today; we’re happy to help.

3 Helpful Steps When Planning a Long-Distance Move

Are you planning to move far away this year? If so, you’ve got your work cut out for you! There are many things you can do to make your long-distance relocation a success. Getting started early and following our tips below can help.

1. Stay Organized

Long-distance relocations require a great deal of organization.

Keep Your Papers in a Binder

Put all of your essential papers in a binder. You should include your new lease or paperwork for your new home purchase, information about your new job in your new city, and other vital documents. Doing this will prevent your essential papers from becoming lost while you’re packing and also helps you find what you need quickly.

Make a Moving Timeline

When should you begin packing? By what date should you have found a new apartment? When do you need to switch your utility services? Knowing the deadline on all these important events will help you avoid mistakes resulting in delays and more stress. Make a moving timeline, then set your calendar with this information, so you’ll always know what your deadline is.

Purge Items in Your Home You Don’t Need

Clutter makes moving challenging — this is especially true when you’re moving long distances. Purge items that you don’t need by cleaning out your garage, selling things online, giving items to charity, and discarding things you don’t need anymore.

2. Get the Right Boxes

Use sturdy, solid boxes designed for moving to get your belongings to your new home. Cardboard moving cartons are flexible, durable, and lightweight yet strong— this makes them ideal for stacking and using for a relocation.

Plastic totes may seem like a great way to pack your belongings when moving long-distance; however, many plastic totes are not designed to stack or withstand varying climatic conditions. When stacked from floor to ceiling inside a moving truck and then transported long-distance, they can easily be damaged. In cold weather, totes freeze, crack, break and collapse. In hot weather, totes become soft, expand, break and collapse.

Check with your moving company as some offer customers gently used moving cartons for free. 

3. Find the Right Moving Company

Perhaps most important of all is to identify the right moving company for your long-distance relocation. Your moving company is a partner in your relocation, but your relocation could become far more stressful and complicated with the wrong partnership. When you’re looking for a moving company, look for:

  • Years of experience. The longer your moving company has been in business, the more they’ll know about long-distance relocations.
  • Good customer service. You’re going to rely heavily on your moving company’s customer service to respond to your questions and concerns. Find a company that provides good overall customer service.
  • Affordable rates. Long-distance relocations are expensive. Shop around to find a company that you can afford, but don’t hire the cheapest company to save money. Select a professional moving company with a good reputation and fair rates.

Long-Distance Moving Help

We can help provide you with moving tips, specialized packing materials, storage, and a whole lot more. Your move coordinator can help with the planning and can even arrange for those gently-used cartons. To learn more about making your long-distance move work, contact us to get a quote for your upcoming relocation.

Tips for Setting Up a New Home Office After a Move

Home offices are more important than ever. With over 40% of the labor force working from home, many people now have home offices where they can get work done in the safety and comfort of their own home. If you’re moving into a new home, then you have a perfect opportunity to make your home office everything you want it to be. These tips can help you set up a home office that is just right for your needs.

Choose the Right Room

Choose a room that has the qualities that you’re looking for in a home office. Below are some of the characteristics you should consider when deciding which room is suitable for your home office.

  • Privacy – Choose a room that offers sufficient privacy to conduct business.
  • View – Look for a room with a window, perhaps one with a view of your front or backyard. Natural sunlight has physical and mental health benefits. 
  • Size – Most home offices are relatively small, but you may need something larger or even a waiting area if you accept clients at your home.

Paint It

Maybe the paint in your new home office is sufficient, but if you didn’t pick the color yourself and it doesn’t suit you, consider painting it. Choose a color that you find relaxing and conducive to work. Painting the room will help it feel new and fresh and more fully your own.

Install Proper Office Furniture

You might have started working from home with an old desk and inexpensive chair. Still, if you’re planning to work from home regularly, then you should have appropriate office furniture that’s comfortable and ergonomic. It’s also essential to have proper office storage to avoid losing things and ensure that you can find the file folders you need when you need them.

Go shopping for proper office furniture. You might need to invest in a desk that’s more sophisticated than anything you ever imagined for yourself. This is your opportunity to set up an ideal workspace. Spending a little more now can save you money in the future, as good quality office furniture may last longer. You are investing in yourself.

Personalize It

Do something to your office to make it more personal for you. Decorate the room with indoor plants to add tranquility and naturalness. Add in some pictures or decor that you find beautiful and inspiring, or install some new furniture that is comfortable for lounging, even though you might not need it. Make the room a place that you wouldn’t mind spending quiet time, even outside work hours.

Manage the Wires

A home office often has many cords and cables running through it. From power cables to charging cords, you have a lot to coordinate.

Invest in figuring out a cord management system to tame those wires. Depending on where your outlets are, you might need to use power strips and extension cords as well. With so many cords strung throughout your office, you will want to make sure you find a way to do it safely. (like with cord covers).

Here are some tips for managing your cables:

  • Get wireless devices
  • Bundle the cables
  • Use power strips
  • Use a mounted power strip
  • Manage the disorder with cable covers

When your cords are in order, it helps increase productivity, positivity, and creative thinking in your at-home work environment.

Moving Soon? Hire the Right Moving Company

If you’re moving soon, contact a professional moving company to help move your furniture and belongings safely and efficiently. Contact us today to discuss your upcoming relocation.

A Mover’s Guide to Packing Your Bed Linens

By their very nature, bed linens are among the less challenging things in your home to pack. But, even though they aren’t delicate like your fine china, it’s still essential to take care when packing them for your household move

It’s essential to take measures to control their weight and bulkiness and protect them from harmful elements. If you’re packing your home for an upcoming relocation, these tips can help.

Use Medium-to-Large Boxes

Bed linens are surprisingly heavy and bulky when piled together in one spot. Linens placed in a box together can be challenging to move, especially if the box is too big. At the same time, you’d need quite a few small boxes to house all the bed linens in your home. When packing your linens, choose boxes that are medium to large. Look for boxes that are large enough to fit more than one set of linens at a time but not so large that you have a hard time lifting the box when filled with sheets and blankets.

Control Weight With Pillows

Does it seem like the box you’re packing is getting to be a little too heavy? Fill the rest of the space in the box with a light-weight pillow. These snuggly household items tend to be less dense than other linens and, therefore, less weighty.

Pack Linens One Room At a Time

Pack all the linens for your master bedroom in one box, the linens for your child’s room in another box, and linens for your guest room in a third box, etc. Packing your linens room-by-room makes the unpacking process more manageable, especially if the linens are kept in the room where they’re used.

Line the Boxes with Packing Paper

Line the linens box with packing paper to prevent insects and moisture from damaging your sheets and blankets. Once you place the last linen in the box, put a piece of packing paper over the top of the box before closing it up.

Label the Boxes

Label the boxes indicating what they contain. Include the person’s name to whom the linens belong and what kind of linens are in the box. Precise and accurate labeling is essential if you’re planning to dig your linens out of the box quickly after moving so you can set up your bed that first night.

Use the Same Procedure For Towels

Use the same procedure to pack towels as you used to pack linens. Divide the towels up by the bathrooms you will use them in or by color if that is important to you. Label the boxes correctly, and use packing paper to protect the towels while they’re in the box.

Get Help From a Reputable Moving Company

The simplest way to move is to get help from a moving company. We’re here to help with your relocation. To get a quote for your relocation, call today to make an appointment. We’ll be happy to assess how much stuff you’re moving and provide a quote for moving to your new home.

8 Important Steps When Packing for a Move

Packing for a move is complex and involves many steps. If you’ve never moved before or are relatively inexperienced with moving, this checklist can help you through the process. Here are some suggestions.

1. Make a Game Plan

How much time will it take you to pack? What will you pack first, second, third, and so on? Which family members will help, and what will be their roles? Will you be hiring a full-service mover, or will you be packing your items on your own? Talk with family members to decide what will work for everyone. Once you’ve got a plan in place, you can get started with the packing process.

2. Buy Packing Materials

If you’re going to complete the packing on your own, buy packing materials to keep this process moving. Keep more packing materials on hand than you anticipate needing – you’ll probably need them. It’s beneficial to have extra markers, scissors, and packing tape to cut back on time spent hunting for the ones that go lost. Buy any specialized boxes you anticipate needing – like dish pack kits for your plates or wardrobe boxes for your clothes.

3. Learn How to Pack Properly

Packing is an art. If you’re not working with a full-service mover, you’ll want to know what these movers do to make packing easy. For example, place some crumpled paper on each carton’s bottom so that you create a cushion for the items you put inside. Fill empty spaces with crumpled paper to prevent things in the boxes from moving around.

Place delicate items inside their own small boxes, then put those boxes into a larger single box. Don’t overstuff boxes so that the lids must bend around the things inside.

4. Pack Seasonal Items First

Plan to pack seasonal items that you aren’t currently using and other things you don’t regularly use before packing them. Don’t pack up the items you use a lot until you’re close to the end of the packing process.

5. Declutter

Decluttering helps you organize your belongings and eliminate things you don’t need anymore. Sort through your items before packing and discard things that you won’t use in your new home. Rehoming trinkets from your junk drawer will help give you a fresh start in your new home.

6. Set Aside Restricted Items

Your movers will have a list of items that cannot be packed, like cleaning products and aerosols. Know what you can and what you can’t put in the moving truck, then set those items aside.

7. Follow Packing Best Practices

When you’re packing, follow these packing best practices.

  • Pack sharp items like knives and skewers on their own. Cover the pointed ends to prevent them from puncturing the box.
  • If deconstructing something to pack it, keep the screws and pieces with the item in a labeled plastic baggie
  • Wind up cords on electronics, then secure the cable to the item.

8. Make Unloading Easy

Label each moving box according to where it will go in your new home, then tape signs on the doors of each room at your new home to make unloading easier.

Want to Simplify Your Moving Process? Hire Experienced Movers

There are lots of steps in the moving process – more than what appears here. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, maybe it’s time to hire an experienced, full-service mover to help. Call today to get started.

4 Ways to Acclimate to Rural or Suburban Life After Moving Out of a City

Recent reports indicate that 2020 saw a substantial increase in “urban flight.”  According to US News & World Reports, approximately 40 percent of adults living in cities indicated they would like to move to less populated areas, according to US News & World Reports.

The decision to pack up and move to rural and suburban landscapes can be a culture shock. The bright, big city lights are generally absent from small communities. People who are determined to leave the hustle, bustle, and noise behind to embrace a more laidback lifestyle will have to adjust to the new pace. Here are strategies that can help city transplants acclimate.

1. How to Manage Grocery Needs

Most suburbs have a supermarket within reasonable driving distance. People living out in the country may have to drive a solid hour to shop at a large store. 

Rural homeowners typically employ two strategies to deal with distance. The first is to buy in bulk, get a deep freezer and secure a generator in case of power outages. The second strategy is to grow fresh vegetables. When you grow your own food, you can provide your family with fresh produce and lower your monthly expenses.

2. Plan Your Time in Advance

The Eagles rock band may have summed up city life perfectly with their “Life in the Fast Lane” lyric, “Everything, all the time.” Suburban and rural life tends to be more measured. Cultural events such as live music and community gatherings might be more likely to occur only on weekends. This reality means that running out to a show on a Tuesday night might be off the table. People moving out of the city may acclimate better by planning their time at home and nights out on the town in advance. Consider using a calendar and phone alerts about upcoming events.

3. Learn to Relax and Be With Yourself

Concepts such as mindfulness and meditation can prove helpful in rural and suburban settings. Cities seem always to have something going on, and engaging in a distraction tends to be easy. Quiet towns can task people with grounding themselves.

Mindfulness and meditation can be an invaluable way to transition and embrace the seemingly small things in life. Taking time to prune roses, crafting, and just reading a good book are ways to relax and be at peace. Consider employing the formal structures of mindfulness and meditation as a gateway to improved appreciation.

4. Throw a Backyard BBQ and Invite Your New Neighbors

After the moving company has delivered all of your personal belongings, consider organizing a backyard barbecue. Invite friends, family members, and your new neighbors as a way to get to know them. An outdoor party can be a fantastic ice-breaker and sends a clear message you are putting down roots. It’s also a perfect opportunity to learn more about the community from long-time locals. As a newcomer, a little help from neighbors can increase your comfort and make your new place feel like home.

Help With Your Move Out of the City

Moving can be stressful, complicated, and time-consuming. Prepare for your move; contact us today for a quote.

Should Retirement-Age People Move to an Accessible Home Now?

The natural effects of age on the human body typically result in muscle loss and limited mobility. According to the U.S. Census, about 10,000 people reach retirement age every day, and 73 million people will be 65 or older by 2030. That means in less than ten years, the second-largest age demographic would benefit from accessible homes. 

As everyday people plan for retirement and their golden years, the best time to move into an accessible home might be right now. If you are a Baby Boomer or anticipate mobility limitations, these are things to consider about moving into an accessible home.

What is an Accessible Home?

The federal government passed the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in 1990 that requires all public buildings to adhere to building codes that provide people who use wheelchairs, walkers, and other mobility devices easy access. The ADA applies only to government and public facilities. Private homes are often retrofitted after a loved one loses mobility.

The Baby Boomer trend has not gone unnoticed by developers and contractors in recent years. Residential communities exclusively for people 55 and 65 and older have become lucrative investments. Contractors have also become open to new construction homes that meet many of the ADA guidelines. Purchasing and moving into an existing ADA-compliant home or planning a new one resolves an issue that will impact us all. We will all get older, and standard building designs can negatively impact our bodies.

How Would Moving into an Accessible Home Differ?

Homebuyers are sometimes turned off by the bulky wheelchair ramps in front of houses that are for sale. Typically, retrofitting does not give a home enhanced curbside appeal. But houses built with an eye toward accessibility integrate ADA elements into the design. These are ADA-compliant aspects of a property that look good and may add value.

  • Open Floor Plans: Merging the kitchen, living, and dining room into vast open living space has been a hot-trending floor plan for decades. This layout provides accessible benefits by its very nature. It eliminates narrow doorways and thresholds considered impediments to people who use wheelchairs and walkers.

  • Attached Garages: One of the ways ADA-compliant homes can overcome awkward wheelchair ramps is by including an attached garage. They allow people with physical limitations to exit vehicles in a controlled space and enter through a side door. Building codes generally require a garage floor to be about six inches lower than the primary living space. Negotiating that height won’t need a big ramp. A comprehensive demographic of people also find attached garage beneficial for unloading groceries or managing small children.

  • Bathrooms: ADA-compliant bathrooms are typically more spacious and include walk-in showers, among other amenities. Walk-in showers are another trendy home design element that adds value and a leisure experience.

  • Countertops: Homes with accessibility in mind install countertops at a slightly different height than standard construction. They are usually positioned between 24-36 inches without cabinets below. This offers clearance underneath for mobility devices. The countertop height also tends to deliver improved ergonomics. Preparing meals or folding laundry at ADA height puts less strain on your back.

Like all of us, Baby Boomers will come to a point in life when the body doesn’t cooperate. By moving into an accessible home now, you can avoid the cost and cumbersome look of retrofitting later.

Making the Move

If you are planning your move, we can help. Contact us today to learn about our full-service moving options.

Tips for Moving Out of Your Rental

Whether you’re moving to a new rental or purchasing a new home, you have many details to attend to at the end of your current rental agreement. To make the moving process to your new place easier, be sure to tick the following on your to-do list.

Give Adequate Notice

Carefully re-read your lease once you know you’re moving, so you know what the terms are for notifying your landlord or property manager. On average, this ranges anywhere from 30-90 days. If you don’t abide by lease terms, you could lose your security deposit or be held accountable for additional months of rent, which can be costly. If you need to break your lease, check to see your options to avoid the steepest penalties or legal repercussions.

Call Utility Providers

At least two weeks before your move, contact your utility providers to schedule your shut off/turn on dates. Keep in mind, depending on where you’re relocating to, you may be dealing with different companies. If so, connect with your new providers so you can work out any details associated with deposits or other requirements for new customers.

Plan to have service terminated at your old place the day after your move-out date. And have the service turned on at your new home the day before your move-in date. This ensures that you have power, water, and other necessary utilities during the moving process.

Move Your Renter’s Insurance

Let your insurance company know you’re moving ASAP so you can make sure your insurance policy seamlessly follows you. Many policies also cover possessions during a move, so be sure to ask about that. Additionally, when contacting your carrier, make any necessary changes needed for your new place. Keep in mind; your premiums may change.

Put in Change of Address Notices

Before your move, start putting in a change of address notices with anyone you associate with, including your employer, family, friends, banks, magazine or newspaper subscriptions, monthly deliveries (e.g., Amazon recurring orders), and anyone else you do business with. For everything else, have your mail forwarded by the USPS. USPS will forward your mail to your new place for one year.

Give the Home a Good Cleaning

You’ll want your security deposit back, so be sure to restore the rental as best you can to have it look as it did the day you moved in. Paint the walls, fix blemishes, scrub kitchens and bathrooms, shampoo carpets, and fill in any nail holes on the walls. Check on your rental agreement to see what is required. Many rental companies charge high fees for deep cleaning if they determine the property is not left up to par. You might want to consider hiring a professional cleaner to save you time and ensure the job is done correctly.

Check Nooks and Crannies

A home typically has more space than an apartment. Be sure to check the attic, basement, crawl spaces, and any other nooks and crannies you might have stashed belongings in. You don’t want to inadvertently leave anything behind that’s been out of sight.

Schedule Walk Through

Schedule a walk-through with your landlord or property manager to take place right before you vacate. Ideally, you should be present for this appointment.

Bonus Tip: Be sure to take photos on the date you leave, in case you need to prove the home’s condition when you departed.

Moving with Ease

After you return your keys, you’re on your way to your new place. If you need help with any part of the moving process, having professional help can make your move more manageable and less stressful. To receive a free price quote, contact us today.

A Guide for Preparing Your Kitchen for Moving Day

The kitchen is by all rights the heart of your home—meals and memories happen here. To make those meals and memories, you need plenty of items, food-related and otherwise. The kitchen is filled with a variety of gadgets, appliances, and glassware. There are many things to pack. From items inside the drawers and cupboards to stuff nestled on the countertops, they are all uniquely sized and shaped.

When it comes to relocating to a new home, tackling kitchen disassembly can be one of the project’s most challenging components. 

Here’s a guide for preparing the heart of your home for your big move.

1. Collect your packing supplies.

You will need good sturdy moving boxes in several sizes, packing tape, packing paper, markers for labeling, and maybe even a few box dividers or specialty boxes for dishes and glassware to keep things organized. The general rule is to get more than you think you will need.

2. Cull the collection carefully.

Culling through your kitchen stuff can come as a challenge. You can have a nagging voice inside saying you need to keep everything because it could be useful. The cocktail maker, cheese tray, double broiler, fondue set—if you’ve not used items like this for several years, they probably won’t be worth packing. Likewise, take the time to pull out duplicates and multiples, such as utensils, dishes, or pans you never use, and donate them. Your new kitchen will be less cluttered without these items you aren’t using. 

3. Create a few boxes labeled as “essential.”

Ideally, you will be packing your kitchen closer to your scheduled moving day, so you still have a functional place for meal prep. Once you do start packing, label a few medium-sized boxes as “essential.” These boxes will contain what you need to make it through in your kitchen until the day you leave and what you may need most once you get to the new place.

These might be the final boxes you tape shut. Set them aside and let the movers know to load those last or, if you have room, bring them with you in your car, so they are readily available at your new house.

Bonus tip: Plan your first meal at the new place ahead and drop everything in a “first meal essentials” box. For example, you could include a jar of pasta sauce, a package of noodles, a pan for cooking, and enough dishes and flatware for your family.

4. Sort items according to their use.

Depending on how you like to organize, you might sort your items into groups according to how something is used. If you are going to reconfigure your new kitchen, you might find this an effective packing strategy. Try something like the following usage groupings:

  • Entertaining dishes
  • Everyday dishes
  • Everyday cooking utensils
  • Canning or food processing equipment
  • Electric kitchen gadgets
  • Kitchen linens and cloth items
  • Flatware
  • Barware

Or, you might prefer to sort and pack items according to their placement. For example, you could label a box “cabinet #1” and place items you know will go in that particular cabinet.

5. Pack your food last.

Naturally, packing food from your pantry, cabinets, and elsewhere last is logical. As you pack, sort through, and check expiration dates, getting rid of what you shouldn’t bring. Some people opt to donate most of their dry groceries to make packing easier; groceries are easy enough to restock once you get settled in. Check with your mover to see what items they might not take.

Dispose of open containers, liquids, and half-used foods before moving day.

6. Prepare your appliances.

Your professional movers can handle the heavy lifting, but you as the homeowner need to ensure that your major appliances are prepared for safe transport before the movers arrive.

Some of your appliances, like your stove or dryer, might be connected to a gas line. These need to be disconnected and the gas line capped off by you or an appliance specialist. 

Each of your large appliances has different requirements. Discuss these considerations with your professional mover so that you can make the necessary arrangements and be prepared on moving day.

Simplify Your Big Move With Big Help

From appliances to gadgets to utensils — your kitchen holds a lot. It makes for a great deal of packing. To simplify the work, reach out to professional movers for help.

Contact us for a quote today. We can help with a successful move.

Moving? Make the Most of Your House-Hunting Trip

Are you prepping for a household move with your family? House-hunting, whether in-person or virtual, is arguably one of the most critical steps in planning your relocation. This step serves several purposes in addition to selecting the house itself. 

If you plan an in-person visit to find your home, here are some things to consider when coordinating your trip.

Research Online 

Before you travel to your potential new city to look for houses, get online to gather information about the possible areas you want to look at once you arrive. Narrow down your selected neighborhoods. Then search and compare properties before you head out. Find a real estate agent that specializes in relocation situations.

Explore the Area

Before you can determine which neighborhood best meets your needs, it’s essential to get to know the community when you arrive. Drive around on day one, paying close attention to amenities, culture, and the proximity of each community to services you use most often. Consider which neighborhoods offer the things on your priority list, like the shortest commute or a sense of community.

Visit Properties

Share your housing needs, wants, and dislikes with a realtor and obtain preapproval before the trip. Keep an eye on local listings in advance so you can let your realtor know which properties are most aligned with your preferences. Ask your realtor to schedule viewings (to the homes you’ve shared and properties they identify as good) during the site visit. Be prepared to make an offer while you’re there so you can work through the details in person.

Scout Schools

If you have children in the school system, request a tour of local schools while you’re on site. Get as much information during those appointments as possible so you’re able to make an informed decision and plan ahead. If you have children with special needs, be sure to consider the availability of services in the area and each educational institution.

Visit Daycare Options

If you have children in daycare (or a child on the way), be sure to visit childcare centers while you’re in the area. You may find that you need to be added to a waiting list in advance,  available spots are only in certain neighborhoods, or learn that daycare costs are dramatically more or less than you expected – all factors that may impact your house hunt as well.

Consider Medical Needs 

While most people are comfortable living anywhere with a clinic and an ER, some people have particular medical conditions requiring quick access to specialist services like kidney dialysis, dermatologists, or chemotherapy. If anyone in your household has special medical needs, be sure to explore these services’ availability in your target area. The house-hunting trip is a perfect time to do it.

Follow Up

Stay in contact with your real estate agent. They can let you know if your offer was accepted and what the next steps are. Your specialized relocation agent can also help coordinate inspections, refer you to companies to help with cleaning or repairs, and can coordinate a long-distance house closing.

Make the Right Move

Let us help with your relocation. From packing to transporting — we offer full-service moving. Contact us today for a quote.