Choosing Where to Live in Retirement

You’ve worked hard for your retirement. Now you’re getting close to retiring. The decision of where to live can significantly affect the quality of your golden years. Here are some things to keep in mind when deciding where to move for your retirement.

Consider the Cost of Living

You’ll likely be on a fixed income, so you’ll want that income to go as far as possible. Develop a budget based on our retirement income before beginning to review locations. Be sure to allow yourself enough disposable income to participate in the activities you’ve dreamed of doing while you were working.

Once you begin to consider potential locations, look at the prices of housing, utilities, transportation, essentials, and the tax structure. For example, many states do not tax pension or Social Security income, which will leave you with more to spend. Some also have low (or no) inheritance taxes that allow you to pass more of your wealth to your heirs.

What’s Your Passion?

What would you like to do most in retirement? Do you want to visit your grandchildren frequently? If so, then you’ll want to move closer. Or, do you want to golf or boat or fish? If so, you might want to relocate to a place with a temperate climate and a beach. If you like the idea of being able to walk wherever you go, look for areas with a high walkability score. Whatever you plan to pursue in retirement, you can likely find a location to support that.

The Need for Friends

You might also want to make friends your age in your new location. Research to see whether other people your age are locating to or live in a particular area that you’re considering.

Access to Health Care

Generally, the older we get, the more we need access to good health care. While you might be willing to travel some distance for annual physicals, you’ll still want quick access to good hospitals and doctors in case of an emergency. If you’re considering moving to a foreign country, check whether they’ll accept your insurance there.

Factor in Travel Plans

Consider the traveling you’ll want to do in retirement. If you opt to live in a different city from your children, grandchildren, or good friends, consider how difficult visiting them will be from your new location. If you think you’ll want to travel the world, consider locating near a major international airport. Also, consider the cost of travel when planning your budget. You don’t want to spend too much on housing only to realize you now can’t afford to visit those dearest to you.

Take a Trial Run

Once you think you’ve narrowed down the locations, spend a week or two there to experience its lifestyle. If possible, do a week in each season of the year to gain a flavor for the area’s annual life cycle. Test the public transportation, drive to experience the traffic levels, and check out the community activity offerings. Ask locals your age about their opinions and tips for living in the community.

Settle into Retirement

Let us help with your retirement move. If you are relocating near or far, we can help with the planning, packing, and unpacking. Contact us today for a free quote.

6 Ways to Explain Moving to Small Children

Young kids often have a hard time understanding certain things. For instance, big concepts, like moving, can overwhelm them.

As a parent, it’s hard to balance getting ready for the move and helping your kids prepare. But it’s still an excellent idea.

With these tips, you’ll have a few ideas for how you can explain your upcoming residential move to your young kids.

1. Tell Kids in Advance

Parents often avoid telling children about important events in advance. Sometimes, they worry that their kids will get too upset. But kids need plenty of notice before something as big as moving.

It’s a better choice to start talking to the kids before you start packing. That way, when you start packing, they understand what you’re doing and why.

Expect them to have a lot of questions. They might even be unhappy. But they need time to process it before you leave.

2. Keep Explanations Age-Appropriate

Kids tend to react to moving in different ways, based on their age. For instance, toddlers may have a much more difficult time understanding the process, whereas young school-age children may have more opinions about it. You can expect some disagreement from any age.

Experts suggest that you focus on age-appropriate explanations. Keep it simple and repetitive for very young children. Reassure older children that you will make their needs a priority.

3. Use Books with Messages

Reading stories to your children about moving is an excellent way to introduce and reinforce positive messages about your upcoming relocation. Books about moving can open up communication about the changes ahead and help your children prepare for their new environment and perhaps feel more secure in this significant change.​

4. Pack Deliberately

As you pack, you’re likely to get some conflict. Toddlers don’t understand why you’re taking things away. Preschoolers may worry that you’re going to get rid of their belongings.

Give yourself extra time for this step. Packing with kids always takes longer, even if they’re happy about the move.

Be clear about your process from the beginning. Enlist the kids to help you pack and explain where everything will go in the meantime. If your kids struggle to set aside essential items, wait to pack them until near the end.

5. Listen to Concerns

Throughout the moving process, kids will tell you the concerns they have. Older kids can verbalize it, while younger kids may simply act out.

As a parent, your goal is to make sure your kids feel safe. They need to know that you can keep them secure while you move and afterward.

Be ready to have a lot of conversations. Keep the doors open for communication at times when you are not busy.

6. Stay Positive

Even if you’re not looking forward to the move, you need to stay positive for the kids. They look to you for hints on the ways they should react. If you’re upset, they are more likely to be unhappy. They may even try to convince you not to move.

Instead, focus on the benefits of moving. Talk about the cool things you’ll get to do as a family. Remind them that you’ll do your best to keep in contact with friends in your old location.

Families on the Move

Explaining moving to kids is difficult. It may be much more challenging than the actual process of moving. To help you make it easier, request a quote for moving services today.

Moving After a Loss

Moving after you lose a loved one is hard and heartbreaking. In some cases, people can no longer afford the bills, so they must relocate. Other times, they’re just meeting the terms of the estate.

There are ways to make it less stressful. But, with extra care, you can still have a good experience.

Follow Legal Guidelines

Before they die, some people list every possession down to the last tablecloth. Others pass with no notes on anything they owned. Your job is to follow the rules.

Dealing with the terms of an estate can be easy or challenging, depending on the details. For example, if your loved one had many valuable antiques or jewelry, you should confirm all of the guidelines.

It’s even more complicated if you have survivors who don’t agree over the will or handling of the estate. So before you start sorting, you might want to consult a lawyer in this case.

Ask for Help Sorting

Sorting through a loved one’s belongings can trigger grief, even if they died years ago. So you’re probably going to need help going through those personal items.

If you can, ask a close friend or family member to assist. Choose someone who can help you stay on task. The last thing you need is to bring in a helper who encourages you to linger over every item.

Start with things that don’t have a lot of attachment for you. Then, you’ll make more progress. You’ll also save time for the more complex decisions.

Avoid Making Quick Decisions

Most moving experts recommend that you declutter and thin down your belongings before you move. It’s not always the right decision when you lose someone, though.

It’s tempting to want to wipe out a lot of the sadness by donating or giving away the decorations, furniture, and bedding. But, unfortunately, grief can make you do things you wouldn’t expect. As a result, you may get rid of something and regret it later.

Instead, give yourself time. Pack items and keep them in storage for a while if necessary. You’ll know when you are ready to go through them.

Get Help With Packing and Moving

Grief is more than sadness. It can weigh on you like a sickness. Sometimes it takes months before you return to your former energy and mood.

If you have a strict timeline for moving, you may need help with packing and moving. Professional packers can’t tell you what to keep, but they can pack it with care. Movers can take the load off your shoulders. That way, you can rest when you have the chance.

Make Space for a Loved One

Many people say that after they move, it’s like creating a blank slate. Memories of loved ones sometimes stay in the old home.

Of course, you may still grieve for them. But, you’re not going to forget your loved one just because you don’t live in their home anymore.

Making a shrine at home helps a lot of people create a place to process. Add pictures and a few favorite items. It gives you a tiny spot in the new home where you can think about your loved one.

Moving Assistance

The loss of a loved one sometimes involves a move, but you can make it easier. To find out how we can improve your moving experience, schedule a consultation today.

Tackling Your Garden Shed Before the Move: Tips to Remember

Tucked away on your property housing all those landscaping and garden necessities, the garden shed often stands as an afterthought when it is time for a household move. Nevertheless, this building is usually brimming with items that can be somewhat precarious to pack and transport. So here are a few good tips to help you along the way. 

1. Remove the fuel from gas-powered equipment.

How many gas-powered items do you have in your garden shed? If you are like most people, you will have everything from a weed trimmer to a lawnmower. While professional movers can move these items, they require the gas tanks to be empty. Therefore, be sure you take the time to either utilize or dispose of whatever fuel you have in the tanks. 

2. Get proper packing supplies.

The ideal way to pack your garage for moving is with the right types of packing materials. Here are some essential supplies.

  • Moving boxes. Make sure to get moving boxes in various sizes. They should be solid, strong, and dry. 
  • Packing paper and bubble wrap. You will need bubble wrap and packing paper when packing your garage to protect the many sharp and unusually shaped items. 
  • Moving blankets. These specially designed, well-padded blankets will come in handy protecting your garage contents. 
  • Corrugated cardboard sheets. These can help you when packing oversized and odd-shaped equipment.
  • Zip-lock bags. Have various sizes of these resealable bags available to prevents smaller items from getting separated and getting lost.
  • Water-proof markers. Heavy-duty markers will help you label the moving cartons once you have them packed.

 3. Wrap your saws, blades, and trimmers for safety.

The average garden shed can be overrun with tools with sharp, hazardous edges. These items can be risky to maneuver and even riskier to transport because they are so capable of causing injury. A few examples include:

  • Garden hoes 
  • Hard rakes 
  • Handsaws 
  • Spade shovels 
  • Axes 
  • Knives 

Wrap these sharp-edged items in appropriate material like cardboard, moving blankets, or bubble wrap and tape the protective covering closed. Some of the same rules for shipping sharp objects can apply when packing for transport during a move. Here is a good rundown of tips on how to properly pack sharp items before shipment. 

3. Disassemble the oversized items.

Whether it is workbenches or power equipment, many of these items are easier to transport when disassembled. For example, a leaf blower is a somewhat oblong and awkward item until you remove the blower attachment; then, the item can fit into just about any large box. So before you start packing up the items in your shed, disassemble the bulky or awkward things that would otherwise take up too much space or be hard to transport. 

4. Remember, movers won’t transport certain items.

The garden shed can contain some pretty hazardous items. Properly dispose of these before your moving company arrives. A few examples of things your movers will not handle include:

  • Lawn fertilizer 
  • Pesticides 
  • Batteries 
  • Fuel
  • Live plants 

To ensure you know what things you will have to handle on your own, request a list of prohibited items from your movers. 

Tackle Even the Toughest Moving Jobs with Professional Help 

From the garden shed to the garage, every move involves a lot of heavy lifting. Need a little help along the way? Reach out to speak with one of our representatives today to get a free moving quote to get the process started. 

Top Repairs to Make Before Putting Your Home on the Market

If you’re selling your home so that you can move into a new one, you’ll want to get the best price you can. One of the best ways to increase the price buyers are willing to pay for your home is to make strategic repairs. Strategic repairs are those that will increase the value of your home without requiring too large an outlay of time or money. 

Here are a few high-value repairs:

Fix Flooring Problems

Worn carpeting or peeling vinyl flooring is noticeable and can dramatically affect a potential buyer’s opinion about your home. However, you can often replace flooring without spending a lot of money. Instead, choose neutral-colored carpet and wide wood plank tiles or light-colored laminate flooring.


A fresh coat of paint in the primary rooms of your house can enliven the space. Choose a neutral color that will show your home positively and works well with whatever furnishings the buyer will bring with them. Gray, for example, makes the room feel more spacious and is calming.

Fix Water Stains

You may have gotten used to the water stains on the ceiling from a long-ago plumbing snafu. Buyers, however, will see those stains and imagine all sorts of current problems.

First, call a plumber to be sure the issue is repaired. Then, fix the ceiling. Depending on the leak and stain size, a simple touch-up with spackle and paint may work. However, if the damage is more extensive, you may need to replace and repaint some or the entire ceiling. 

Update Grout

Buyers are likely to notice old, yellowing grout and wonder if more serious maintenance issues have been neglected. Updated grout can make tiles and floors look new. Many homeowners can complete a grouting project themselves, but paying another person to complete the project is relatively inexpensive.


Curb appeal gives buyers the first impression of your home. Many potential buyers look at houses first on the Internet and, if they don’t like what they see there, avoid touring the home. Sprucing up your landscaping can be an efficient and effective way to encourage buyers to take a closer look at your home.

Focus on Kitchens and Bathrooms

Buyers tend to focus closely on kitchens and bathrooms, so updates and repairs in these rooms can make a big difference.

If you can’t afford significant updates, you can still add value with a few minor repairs. First, repaint or replace kitchen cabinet doors and hardware. Finally, update the counters, fixtures, and appliances for added appeal.

In the bathroom, add new plumbing and light fixtures, clean your tiles, and recaulk. Next, invest in new shower curtains and rugs. Then create a spa look with fluffy towels and pretty soaps.

Replace Light Bulbs

Incandescent light bulbs give off an outdated yellowish glow and are not energy efficient. As a result, many modern home buyers look for homes with integrated LED lighting. Going through your house and replacing the incandescent bulbs with LED bulbs will make your home seem more comfortable and up-to-date.

Time for Your Move

House repairs go a long way to help you sell your home fast. Once that’s taken care of, you’re on to the next stage in the process – packing and moving. We can help with your moving needs. Contact us for a quote. Then, we can relocate you to your new home quickly and efficiently. 

How to Turn Your Office Move into a Marketing Opportunity

You may be moving your office for one of several reasons. For example, you may have outgrown the space, the landlord may have raised your rent too much, or you want an office in a different part of town or an entirely new area. Whatever the reason for your move, you can leverage the relocation as a marketing opportunity.

Opportunity to Rebrand

A new office provides an opportunity for a fresh start, which often means rebranding. Take a look at your logo; if you haven’t updated it in several years, it may be due for a refresh.

Your website and all your other collateral are updated, as well. Avoid the temptation to cut costs when printing new collateral pieces; these items influence a potential customer’s first impression of your brand.

Reach Out to Customers

While your new offices are being readied, use the time to communicate one-on-one with each customer through email, snail-mail, and phone calls. Explain how your move puts you into a position to meet their needs better now and in the future.

Update Online Profiles

Use the move as an excuse to update social media and online profiles. For example, rather than just updating your office location on your Website, announce the move with great fanfare, creating a special landing page with information on the new site. Interact with customers frequently during the process by posting photos of the new office being prepared.

Develop a Content Marketing Plan

Develop a robust content strategy to bring customers to your website to learn about your move and about how your business can help them. Explain the reasons for your move and how the new location will help you. Write blog topics of interest to your customers that demonstrate how your product or service can solve a problem they may be experiencing.

Incorporate search engine optimization into your blog strategy. People who don’t communicate with you may still be looking for you. Being accessible online is essential to their being able to find you during and after the transition.

Arrange For Signage 

Signage needs vary by location. Find a signage expert near your new place and follow their suggestions to draw attention to your new site.

Re-energize Your Staff

Your staff is a vital part of your marketing as well. Your employees are often the potential customer’s first contact with your firm. If they are enthusiastic about your brand, customers are much more likely to be as well.

Employees will be energized if they are engaged. When you’re beginning the process of finding a new office, ask them what they’d like to see in the new space. Take their suggestions seriously.

If their work is apt to be disrupted during the move, consider letting your staff telecommute for the first a bit. And help them become acquainted with the new office neighborhood quickly by supplying lists of restaurants, gyms, and child care nearby.

Hire Professional Office Movers

One of the worst things that could happen during this time is to announce a moving date and have difficulties meeting that. Professional movers with experience in commercial moves can help ensure you’ll be in your new office, ready to serve your customers, when your marketing materials say you will.

We can help you relocate your business with ease. Contact us today for a quote

4 Tips For Families Thinking About Moving To A New School District

Although school-aged children tend to make new friends relatively easily when moving to a new community, loving parents may not leave their future to chance. Relocating to a new school district generally involves a different curriculum and expectations. Beyond the standard items that parents can review before deciding where to purchase a home, there are wide-reaching qualitative items at play as well. If you plan to move your family to a new school district, these are things to consider carefully before making a life-changing commitment.

1: Gather Information From Local People

It’s not unusual to have some contact people when moving to a new area. This may include friends, family members, or professionals such as your real estate agent. Regardless of whom you know there, it’s generally worthwhile to gather thoughts about the schools. These acquaintances may have children in the system or graduates. Take views with a grain of salt and weigh them against quantitative information.

2: Make A Checklist of Your Child’s Needs

Finding the right fit for your child entails connecting the dots between their social, extracurricular, and unique learning needs. Some students flourish in relatively small classrooms in which teachers can provide increased one-on-one instruction. In some cases, kids require additional help with math, reading, or other skills. Sometimes that personal interaction proves inspirational as well as educational. When considering a school system, answering the following questions may prove insightful.

  • Does the school offer a suitable interagency plan for your child?
  • Does the school have competitive sports teams?
  • Does the school district offer arts-related extracurricular activities?
  • Does the school system offer vocational as well as college-track learning pathways?
  • Does the school district support clubs and organizations for the students?

By identifying what things the district emphasizes, the potential for educational and social success may appear more transparent. Parents cannot necessarily plan every step in their child’s growth, but you can ensure a robust foundation.

3: Identify Essential After-School Infrastructure

Planning a family move means that the friends and neighbors who supported each other’s childcare gaps won’t necessarily be in place. Parents will likely take time to meet new community members and build a level of trust around watching youngsters. That’s why moving families would be well-served to identify professional resources if you have to work late or simply have car trouble.

Many communities work with non-profit organizations that offer after-school programs at their facility. Signing up offers families an opportunity to have children take a shuttle bus and participate in programs. These can prove increasingly valuable as some school districts have reduced the hours children can remain on site.

4: Pick Your Moving Date Wisely

The timing of your move is essential. The vast majority of parents with school-aged children aim for summer break. This strategy typically allows youths to finish testing without disruption and complete a semester. Summer moves also enable families to connect with new community members and build social connections before classes restart. Other prime moving dates typically involve long weekends and winter break, among others.

New Home — No Problem!

Because families prefer moving during extended school closures, moving companies can become booked months in advance for those dates. So, contact professional movers as soon as you secure a closing date on a home or sign a lease. If you expect to be moving to a new school district, contact us for a budget-friendly quote and secure a date.

5 Tips That Can Help Military Families Handle Moving

The brave people who serve in the armed forces put themselves in harm’s way to ensure American freedom. And on top of that service, military families are tasked with moving ten times more frequently than their civilian counterparts.

It’s not uncommon for military families to relocate at least once every 2-3 years and deployments occur with little warning in times of crisis. Those are why our valued community members must be prepared to pack everything and go on short notice. Americans owe our committed military personnel a debt of gratitude, and we hope these tips help your family transition a little easier.

1. Compile a Moving Portfolio

One of the organizational steps families can take is to bring all of their essential documents into one file. These typically include copies of birth certificates, social security cards, mortgage papers, bank statements, lease agreements, vehicle registration, insurance records, and your orders. Compiling copies of these items and placing them in a single binder with clear protective sleeves keeps them safe and organized.

2. Keep Belongings to a Minimum

One of the frustrations military families sometimes experience stems from accumulating more niceties than you can carry. After a couple of years in one place, people start to relax and allow their roots to grow. Unfortunately, military families have to make the additional sacrifice of relocating. Amassing non-essential products results in excess packing, moving, and sometimes having to purge items that cost you good money. It may be better to stick to necessities until the soldier in your family completes their duty.

3. Identify Military Moving Resources

A wide range of resources remain in place for service members who receive orders for a Permanent Change of Station (PCS) and Outside of Continental United States (OCONUS) move. Some moving companies offer special services for the military that include assistance with federal travel regulations, organizing every detail of your move, and complying with GSA Tender of Service guidelines.

A helpful online resource is the Military One Source which provides information about wide-reaching challenges unique to military life.

4. Identify Unaccompanied Belongings for Transportation

Although many PCS moves task families with packing and loading items for a lower-48 move, some deployments are more complicated. Getting OCONUS orders means some things will travel with you, and others may follow. It may be in your best interest to identify essentials and non-essentials in advance. Having a list of items you plan to have shipped can simplify the packing process and reduce the stress associated with last-minute decisions.

5. Discuss the Possibility of Moving With Children

Youngsters often prove resilient once they arrive in a new community and school. But the unknown tends to make people of all ages feel unsettled. That’s why it’s essential to talk about the differences between military and civilian life openly. Children generally feel a sense of pride that parents do their part to keep the country secure. One of the critical items does involve standing a post wherever and whenever necessary. Youngsters who grow up in military families sometimes look back fondly on the opportunity to experience different parts of the country and world. Consider highlighting a sense of adventure.

Moving Assistance

Members of military families do not have to take on all the tasks of moving to a new base when the time arrives. As experienced moving professionals, we offer support to reduce your workload and help you relax. If you are a military family tasked with relocating, contact us today. We thank you for your service.

Trouble with plastic totes…

Customers: Do you plan to pack your belongings for your long-distance move?  Consider the following before you purchase plastic totes.

McLaughlin Transportation abides by the Moving industry’s Best Practices:

Ensure the safe delivery of customer’s belongings

Moving cartons are designed and rated to hold packed items safely and can be stacked from floor to ceiling inside a van and transported s long distances without incident.

Movers will give away ‘gently used boxes’ to their customers who pack their own belongings. Ask your move coordinator for the sizes you need. Gently used boxes are better quality than buying non-rated moving cartons. Cartons sold at box stores have sizes on them; look to see if a weight rating is also printed on the bottom. Boxes that McLaughlin Transportation buys are the highest quality made. Each box will hold a specific amount of weight when packed full. McLaughlin Transportation’s boxes will withstand the pressure of being stacked inside a van from floor to ceiling, and the rigors of being transported long distances without incident.

Size matters: Pack your belongings inside the correct size box:

Book cartons are small boxes because books are heavy. Book cartons are designed as strong as the other cartons once packed to the top and sealed.  They can be stacked inside a van from floor to ceiling and will withstand traveling long distances without crushing.  Dishpack cartons are built to hold heavy dishes, pots and pans and small appliances. Dishpack cartons are built to withstand being stacked and the rigors of long distance moving. TV cartons are designed with special foam inside to protect delicate TV’s.


Plastic totes have become a common way for people to store their unused belongings inside their home. When the plastic totes are stacked and placed on a stationary shelf inside a climate-controlled area in the home they prove worthy. However, in recent years, people moving long distance are not repacking items from their plastic totes into cartons, instead, they are shipping the totes ‘as is’. This has become problematic because the quality and durability of totes run the gamut from extremely tough to easily subject to damage.

How does a consumer determine if a plastic tote is suitable for moving?

Search online: enter the brand name of the tote you already own or are thinking of buying. Read the manufacturer’s description and warrantee information. LOOK for ‘suitable for moving’ written in the description or warrantee. If it is suitable for long distance moving, it will say it is.


In cold weather, plastic becomes brittle causing the totes to crack, break apart and collapse. In warm weather plastic totes melt, expand and collapse.

Long distance movers have the option to:

 Open and inspect items packed inside plastic totes to determine if the contents can be safely transported. If the driver believes the items need to be repacked, this can hold up “your” move; Drivers do not carry packing supplies in their vans.

Nothing precludes a customer from using plastic totes and movers are not prohibited from accepting them for transport. However, customers need to understand that if they take the risk and pack breakables or items of sentimental value inside plastic totes for their long distance move the totes and contents may break due to the inherent nature of plastic totes.

Moving to a new home in a new town can be an exciting new venture. But, let’s face it, the actual ‘moving’ part can be challenging.

Trust the professionals at McLaughlin Transportation, New England’s Trusted Mayflower agent to move your precious belongings locally, long distance or around the world.

Together, we will help make this your Best Move!

Setting Up Your New Office Space When Relocating Your Business

The key to setting up your new office space efficiently on moving day is to plan the move and space carefully ahead of time. Here are some tips:


The first step in setting up your office space is establishing a budget, as with all business projects. When budgeting, consider not just the cost of designing the space and buying equipment and furnishings. Weigh those costs against the cost of lost productivity due to a less than optimal space. Or perhaps downtime from equipment that doesn’t work or maybe a system that has crashed.

Consider How Much Space You Need

Depending upon your business, you’ll typically need between 150 to 300 square feet per employee. This includes common areas such as the break room.

You’ll also want to plan for growth. Allowing some space for each employee to personalize their workspace will positively affect their mood and performance. If you have remote employees, remember to plan a space for them when they come into the office.

Consider Your Team in the Design

Some teams, such as creatives, work better in more open designs where collaboration is more manageable. Others, such as the finance department, tend to perform better in a closed-plan layout. Collaborate with your team to decide which will work best for your team and its working style.

Once you’ve decided whether you want a closed or open plan, determine the exact floor plan. In advance, determine where you’ll place critical items.

Moving is a great time to modernize office furniture and equipment. Be sure to measure carefully so that your furnishings fit the design.

Plan Cabling and Wiring

Once you’ve decided where to place furniture, work with the tech department on setting cables and wires. IT professionals working with designers and builders will make this process more efficient. Asking a mover specializing in electronics to move them, rather than having employees bring their own computers, will ensure a smooth transition.

Plan Space for Visitors

Consider what type of waiting area will work best for your business. Do you need a reception desk in the waiting area, for example? Do you need electronics? And, will people spend enough time waiting to require magazines and refreshments?

The waiting area is typically the first place visitors see, so you’ll want it to be attractive. If carriers deliver packages to the reception desk, you’ll need storage space to keep these packages out of sight.

Consider Lighting Needs Carefully

Proper lighting is essential for employees to accomplish their tasks efficiently. A study published in Ergonomics Magazine shows that lighting also impacts mood. If the lighting is too dark or too bright, the mood declines.

Consider Color

Color also affects mood and productivity. Studies show that specific colors have different effects; the best color for each office will vary. Red may boost productivity for those in physically demanding jobs, while blue may boost productivity for tasks that require mental focus. Yellow may get ideas flowing and bring optimism, while green is calming.

Office Movers

We can help you with your corporate relocation. From files to foundry equipment — we move it all! We provide accurate estimates, scheduling flexibility, weekend moving options, comprehensive planning, and more. Contact us today for a quote.