7 Important Items to Pack for Your First Night in Your New Home

Organizing and coordinating a household move can be stressful with the many details to attend to. To reduce stress and make a first night easier, we recommend packing a “first-night” box. The purpose of this box is to ensure you’ll have everything you need upon arrival in your new home and eliminate the need of having to poke through boxes to find essential items.

To help you plan, here’s a list of common items people usually need on their first night in their new home:

1. Personal Items

Pack a couple of sets of clothing for each family member, along with PJs, toothbrushes, toothpaste, hair products, medications, and any other personal hygiene items you’ll need. Basically, think of your first night as a weekend getaway and pack any personal items you’d take on a short trip.

2. Electronics

Chances are your phone will be on your person during your physical move, but don’t forget additional items you might need shortly after you arrive, such as chargers, tablets/laptops, and headphones.

3. Bedroom Items

To start your first night off comfortably, plan for fresh bedding. Ahead of your move, wash and separate any sheets, pillowcases, and blankets you’ll need. (Don’t forget pillows!) If you’ve got little ones, pack any special blankets or stuffed animals they hold onto as they doze off to sleep.

4. Bathroom Necessities

It’s easy to forget items that aren’t as obvious, but ones you’ll find you really need upon arrival, like bathroom necessities. Remember to pack toilet paper, soap, hand soap, towels, washcloths, shower liner and hooks, and a bath mat.

5. Kitchen Must-Have’s

Even if you plan to order takeout your first night, you’ll still need to have a few kitchen necessities, such as glasses, coffee mugs, dishes, utensils, and napkins. You might also want to tuck in some snacks, beverages, or breakfast items so you can start your first full day in your new home without hunger pangs or needing to deal with running to the store for food. Don’t forget to pack one or two trash bags.

6. Cleaning Supplies

Even if your new home looks spotless, you’ll want to clean a few key areas for good measure. Useful items to keep on hand include disinfectant wipes, paper towels, gloves, cleaning rags, cleaners, scrub brushes, broom, and dustpan.

7. Kids’ Essentials

If you have children, especially little ones who are too small to help lift and unpack, put aside a few toys, books, art supplies (e.g., coloring books and crayons), or other play items to keep them occupied while you attend to moving details once you arrive in your new home.

Additional Tips

After inventorying your household needs, you might find you actually need more than one box for your first night. Here are some additional tips to help make a smooth move.

  • Clearly label all “first-night” boxes.
  • Put boxes aside, so they aren’t inadvertently packed with other belongings.
  • Bring these items in your car, if possible (if not, talk to your mover about making them the last box on and the first box off the truck.

The first 24 hours of being in a new home are exciting but can be challenging when everything is still packed. Setting aside the essential items for your first night makes it easier and more comfortable.

Are you looking for a professional mover? Contact us today to learn how we can make your move a seamless one.

Simple Ways to Relieve Stress Before Your Move

Without question, moving is one of the most stressful life events. Moving involves complex emotions — the excitement of beginning a new adventure, and, perhaps, some sadness at saying goodbye to your old life. 

Moving also brings with it change, and change is stressful. Fortunately, you can find ways to relieve your pre-move stress.

Allow Plenty of Time

Start preparing for your move right away— as soon as you know you need to move. A major cause of moving stress is that people underestimate the amount of time required to pack and don’t start early enough. The sooner you start, the more time you’ll have to accomplish your tasks, and the less you’ll feel hurried and stressed.

Start Small

If you feel overwhelmed, then begin with the small tasks. For example, set a goal of packing just one box or decluttering one closet. Once you’ve finished, celebrate that accomplishment and then move on to the next small task. Pretty soon, you’ll notice that all those little tasks have added up to a big job.

Stay Organized

Keep all your essential paperwork in a safe place, and remember where that place is. If necessary, share this location with a friend you trust who can remind you if you forget.

Also, make a list of all the tasks to be done for your move and check them off as you complete them.

Create Sanctuary

As you are packing, leave out a few things until the last minute that will give you joy and comfort, such as meditation pillows or art supplies. Also, keep one area of your home as a sanctuary where you can practice relaxing activities such as meditation, yoga, painting, knitting, or some other hobby.


Because you are so busy packing and making arrangements for the move, you may be tempted to put off exercise. Exercise, however, is a key to helping you manage stress. Find some time for physical activity every day. Even if it’s a walk around the block, getting out and recharging is essential.

Ask for Help

You don’t have to do everything yourself. Ask for the help you need to pack, declutter, or grab food on moving day. Just remember to pay back the favor by treating your helpers. 

Or, opt to have your moving company do the packing if you have difficulty managing that part of the process.

Take a Night Off

Even though you seem overwhelmed with your task list, take a night off during the process. Spend time with your family, watch an old movie, play a card game, take a hot bath, have a massage, or engage in any activity that relaxes and refreshes you.

Sleep Well

Make sleep a priority during this time. You can’t function well if you’re running on short rest. Avoid too much caffeine or sugar during the day so that you can sleep at night. No matter how busy you are, go to bed at your regular time.

Leave Time for Goodbyes

Take time to say goodbye to friends, family, and favorite places, using whatever ritual works for you. A feeling of the closure of one phase of your life is essential to a successful transition to a new one.

 Let Us Help

Are you planning your move? Let us help relieve your stress. Contact us for a free moving quote.

Tips to Make It Easier On Professional Movers, So You Experience a Smooth Move

Hiring professional movers before your household move can definitely take the sting out of the moving process. However, you can do a few things to make it easier for the movers in the process. 

The easier things are for the professionals as they work to get you packed up and on your way, the quicker and smoother the move goes overall. Check out just a few useful tips to keep in mind to make things much easier on the moving team when they get to your home on moving day.

1. Color Code Your Packed Boxes

Have your boxes completely packed, labeled,  and ready when the movers arrive.

Color-coding your packed boxes is simple. Just pick up some colored labels, markers, or packing tape and assign a specific color to each room. Give the movers a color chart to show them which color is posted to each room at your new home. This way, they will be able to unload them in the proper location.

2. Make Arrangements for Children and Pets

Professional movers will be mindful of your pets and, of course, your children. Nevertheless, making arrangements for both kids and pets can keep things simple while the movers do their work. You may want to consider:

  • Designating a particular room with a door where your pets can stay during the move
  • Having a designated adult on-site to keep smaller children occupied or finding a sitter for the day
  • Using a leash to contain an outdoor dog or a crate for outdoor cats, so they’re not running in the house

3. Driveway Access

Clear your driveway before the movers arrive. Park your vehicle in the street or somewhere other than your driveway. This will prevent it from being blocked in by the moving van when it comes. With your car out of the way, it will provide the movers more space to work.

As a courtesy, notify your neighbors about your moving schedule. Ask for their cooperation before moving day and request that they not park their vehicles in front of your home during the scheduled move. Advise them about when the movers are expected to arrive and how long the truck will likely be there.  

Do the same at your new house if possible. If your move is local, visit your new home before moving day and let your new neighbors know about the moving truck schedule. They are sure to appreciate the courtesy.

4. Create and Retain Clear Pathways Throughout the House

The moving process can mean you have a mess for sure—that’s expected. If possible, try to keep a clear, open pathway throughout the house so the movers can easily get in, get your items, and carry those items through the house to the truck.

The same goes for the outdoor space. Make sure the sidewalks are clear, and there are no obstructions like low-hanging branches. 

5. Remember to Disconnect, Unplug, Prepare, Empty (D.U.P.E.)

When the pros show up to get things started, it is best if they can come in and simply start taking things out. If they have to stop and wait for you to do something like empty the fridge or if they have to disconnect certain things on their own, the process takes much more time. Prepare your appliances, electronics, and large furniture pieces by remembering the acronym D.U.P.E:

  • Disconnect – Take the time to disconnect appliances. For example, disconnect the water hoses and drain hoses on your washing machine and secure them.
  • Unplug – Unplug appliances and electronics. Contain electrical cords by rolling them up and securing them with a wire tie or rubber band.
  • Prepare – Prepare large furniture pieces and appliances for the move by disassembling where needed, securing doors closed, and removing parts that could be in the way.
  • Empty – Take the time to empty things out of appliances and large furniture pieces where necessary. For example, remove the contents in your wardrobe, entertainment center, and refrigerator.

Time for Your Smooth Move

With a little forethought and crafty planning, your time spent being served by professional movers will go as seamlessly as possible. Reach out for a quote today. We can help with your residential move.

Time for Moving! Protect Your Pet Fish During the Move with These Tips

The top pets in America might be dogs and cats, but fish rank number three

Relocating fish and their aquarium homes to a new house requires careful thought and lots of preparation. Although the task of moving fish is time-consuming and more intricate than relocating other types of pets, with a little preparation, it’s possible to do it successfully. 

Your fish should be the last thing packed and moved out of your old house, and the first thing you unpack at your new one. Find out how you can get your beloved fishies from your old home to your new one safely with this helpful guide.

1. Reserve a good percentage of the fish tank water.

Save as much of the tank water as possible — 75 to 80% —  to protect your fish during the precarious transition. You can store the fish water in a clean, food-grade plastic bucket with a lid with a rubber seal, so it doesn’t spill. 

Remove the water from the tank and place it in the designated bucket. Move the fish to the bucket as well, until right before transport time. You can drop an aerating hose into the water bucket if needed until it’s time for the move.

2. Preparing your fish tank after water and fish removal.

Once you have removed the fish, live plants, and reserve water from the tank, it is time to focus on getting the tank itself prepared for a move. Naturally, the larger the tank, the more time-consuming this process will be. You should:

  • Drain out any additional water from the tank and discard it
  • Unplug and dismount the lights, pump, filtration system, and cartridges and place them in a sealable bag
  • Remove any large rocks, shells, or decorations — clean, dry, and pack
  • Place live plants in another bucket of reserved water from fish tank
  • Remove gravel in the tank’s base with a wire strainer or colander
  • Place the gravel in its own bucket to keep it damp to maintain good bacteria
  • Wrap lid separately

Then protect the tank itself by wrapping it in a moving blanket and place it in a moving box. Put bubble wrap or foam pieces between the box and the tank so that the tank is stable and doesn’t shift around inside the box.

Make sure to label all of the boxes and containers with your fish supplies as “fragile.” 

3. Transporting your fish.

For your fish, plan to transport them in your own car. Pick up a few fish bags from your local pet store. These bags are chemical-free and won’t harm your fish, and with a little practice, you can tie them off with some air inside to last through the trip. A few other tips to keep your fish safe:

  • Keep the bagged fish in a place out of direct sunlight
  • Be mindful of temperature requirements for the type of fish you have and try to hold close to that temperature in your vehicle

4. Reassemble the Tank

As soon as the tank arrives at your new home, start the reassembling process. 

  • Replace the gravel, rocks, décorations, and plants
  • Refill the tank with the reserved  water from the bucket
  • Set up the filtration system, pump, heater, and light
  • Before adding your fish, regulate the water, temperature, chlorine level, pH balance,  and ammonia level 
  • Return your fish into the tank 

Simplify Your Move with Professional Help

Moving with any pet, including fish, can be a little nerve-rattling. Make sure you reach out to professional movers to help with the rest of your move so that you can focus more time on your beloved pets. Get a free moving quote from us today. Let’s get your moving process started.

First Areas to Clean When Moving into Your New Place

No matter how clean your new home looked when you examined it before purchase, you’ll still want to clean and disinfect before you unpack your belongings. Despite a previous occupant’s efforts to clean before vacating, you never know what grime or germs might be lingering behind. 

It’s much easier to clean your home before you move in any furniture or unpack your boxes. If you have the advantage of getting into your new home and taking care of the cleaning before you move in, you will be ahead of the game. If not, don’t worry, just don’t overlook the importance of cleaning before you get too settled. 

The following are cleaning tasks to prioritize when moving into your new home.

Supplies You’ll Need

Before you get started, collect all the supplies you’ll need to expedite the process. Plan to have rubber gloves, sponges, buckets, cleaning products, cleaning rags, paper towels, scrub brushes, old toothbrushes (for those hard to reach or small stubborn spots), toilet scrubber, broom, mop, and vacuum.


You can put off some chores, but cleaning your kitchen should be done immediately. Ideally, you will want to get this accomplished before moving in any food, dishes, or silverware.

  • Give the refrigerator a good sanitizing — remove the shelves and drawers to simplify cleaning and to be more thorough
  • Dust the light fixtures and ceiling fans (this way, you can sweep up the dust when you clean the floor)
  • Wash down walls and wipe around light switches and outlets
  • Scrub the stove and dishwasher inside and out
  • Disinfect sink and countertops
  • Wipe down cabinets, inside and out (don’t forget handles)


Cleaning bathrooms is one chore many of us dislike, but it’s got to get done. When moving into a home previously occupied, pay close attention to every detail in this room when cleaning and disinfecting because germs love bathrooms.

  • Scrub toilet (plan to replace the toilet seat)
  • Disinfect sink, bathtub, showerhead, and faucets
  • Wash floor, including any nooks and crannies
  • Disinfect storage under the sink, shelving, linen closet, etc.
  • Wipe down light switches and any high-touch points

As you clean, check for any mold growth or excess condensation. If you find any, you’ll want to kill the mold and monitor to see if there is a condensation issue.

Other Rooms

After these two areas are thoroughly cleaned, turn an eye to other rooms. Wipe down window sills, doors, doorknobs, and walls. Give the light fixtures a good dusting or wipe-down as well. If you’ve got a laundry room, give this area a good cleaning treatment, sterilize the washing machine, and wipe down the dryer.

Carpets and Floors

Once you’ve got everything necessary cleaned, you’re ready to tackle the floors. For tile, linoleum, wood, or engineered tile floors, give them a good sweeping and then mop with a cleaner suited for that type of floor. Ideally, for carpets, you want to steam clean (either hire or do this yourself), unless you have verification they were steam-cleaned by the previous occupants. Then give all the carpets a good vacuum to remove any accumulated dust or dirt. Whatever type of floor you’re cleaning, remember to hit all edges and corners.

New Home

Moving into a new house or apartment is exciting. With a brand-new start, the thrill of arranging rooms is like no other. However, like all good goals, you need to do the work before reaping the rewards. When it comes to prepping for and moving into a new home, always begin with the basics – use muscle and elbow grease to give a good deep clean throughout the house to ensure your health, safety, and provide yourself a “feel-good” experience.

Do you need help with your move? Contact us for a free quote. We can get you to your new home stress-free.

Moving Announcements: 5 Things to Include to Family and Friends

As you finalize the details of your upcoming household move, there’s one last thing you’re going to have to do before you load up the moving truck; send out your moving announcements.

Moving announcements are an easy and thoughtful way to let all of the significant people in your life, like your friends, family, and coworkers, know where you’re moving and when you’re leaving.

Unlike an impersonal social media post or an email, physical moving announcements are less likely to get lost or overlooked. So, you won’t have to worry about anyone you care about missing out.

If you aren’t sure what information you should include on your moving announcements, we’re here to help. Here are five things to include on your moving announcements.

1. Your New Address

First and foremost, your moving announcements should prominently feature your new address. Besides potential future visits, your friends and loved ones are likely going to want to send you “welcome home” cards or gifts after you arrive and need your new address.

When designing your moving announcements, make sure to clearly label your new address and make it as noticeable and prominent as possible to avoid any potential confusion.

2. Your Final Moving Date

To avoid any relatives sending any potential welcome home gift baskets a bit too soon, make sure your moving announcements also include your official moving day.

By including your moving day, you’ll give your local friends and family a general idea of how much longer you’ll be in the area. On top of that, by adding a specific date, you could inspire a few friends or loved ones to come to help you pack and prepare before your goodbyes.

If you’re moving long-distance or don’t have a single definite “moving day,” use the date of the first full day you plan on spending in your new home.

Using a date after your actual move will give you a little time to settle in and get your mail sorted before relatives start sending their congratulations.

3. Additional Contact Details

In addition to having your new address, make sure your friends and family can reach you in your new home. If you already have a landline for your new place, make sure to include the number on your announcements.

Also, include your email and any other contact information for those that may not have it yet.

4. Your Full Names

Your friends may know how to spell your name, but do they know how to spell your partner’s? It may seem silly to include your full names on an announcement that’s going to your friends and loved ones. But, there’s a possibility someone out there will appreciate getting a definite spelling.

5. A Thoughtful Note

Finally, once you have all of the essential information down, make sure to incorporate a thoughtful note to let your friends and loved ones know that they’re welcome in your new home, and you can’t wait for them to visit you.

Adding an extra note will make your moving announcements that much more personal, transforming them from a simple exchange of information into a thoughtful act.

Creating Your Moving Announcements

Now that you know what to include on your moving announcements, it’s time to get back to preparing for the big day.

Whether you’re moving across town or further, we’re here to help.

Contact us for more information about our services or to request a free quote today.

Managing Branding and PR For Your Office Move

Moving your business is exciting, but it also requires a lot of planning and attention to detail. While preparing, you may be tempted to focus only on those things related to physically moving your equipment and furnishings and continuing operations. 

Moving, however, also provides an opportunity to re-energize your brand and show you are investing in your business’s future. By taking a few steps, you can assure your move renews your brand and your new space.

Tell the Traditional Media

Send a press release to your local paper and to all newspapers where you have key clients. Say where you are moving and why; for example, are you moving to expand or into a location that fits better with your brand or is more advantageous for customers? Include a quote about how excited you are about the opportunities in the new location. Buy ads in the local paper or on the radio or in trade journals.

Engage through Social Media

Engage with customers on social media. Photos, videos, and updates will help them feel a part of the move and create excitement.

Tell Networking Groups

Let your local business association, Chamber of Commerce, and other leadership groups know about your move. They can also spread the word and may feature you in their newsletter.

Communicate Directly

Use direct mail and email to tell clients about your new location and when you will move. Remember, you don’t just want to communicate about a move; you want to unveil your new plans for your brand.  Stress the positives of your new site from the customer’s point of view, such as more parking, more spacious office, or your ability to serve them better. Also, stress how the move prepares your company for growth in the future.

Redesign Collateral

The new location necessitates the re-printing of business cards, letterhead, brochures, and other collateral. Use the time leading up to your move to consider whether the logo, design, and messaging still represent who your company is now. If they don’t, now is the perfect time to refresh and redo.

Boost Your Website

Make sure your address, phone, and name are shown consistently on sites such as Facebook, Yelp, Google, Crunchbase, and the Better Business Bureau. Update your Google maps pin, rewrite web copy as necessary to boost your search engine rankings, and consider a website redesign to match your new office or image better.

Update Your Email Signature

Include the new address and any new logo in the email signatures for you and your team. Create excitement by setting this address off under a heading such as “VISIT US AT OUR NEW ADDRESS” in your signature color or in green, which evokes feelings of abundance and refreshment.

Create Signage

Work with a local sign company to create eye-catching signs outside and inside your building that reflect your new image.

Take Care of Employees

Customers assign value to your brand through the quality of their interactions with your staff. Make sure employees know about and have input into new logos and collateral. Include them in early planning discussions about the new location to make sure you are meeting their needs. Remain engaged with them throughout the process and after the move.

Business on the Move

If you are making your office move plans, contact us. We will provide a free quote. We can help you with your upcoming office.

8 Essential Packing Tips for a Long-Distance Move

About 40 million Americans relocate in a given year, and it’s often a long-distance move. Whether it’s a relocation for a job or another life event, the packing procedure before moving to a new city can feel daunting, so consider these tips.

1. Create an Inventory List

An inventory list is essential when organizing and packing items for a long-distance move. Make a list using a computer spreadsheet, a to-do app, or standard paper and pen. Organize the list by room and add subcategories for areas like “closet” or “bookcase.” This list can help you decide what items you may not wish to move. Sell, donate, or discard anything not being packed.

Create a column for box numbers; this lets you know that the toaster is in Kitchen Box 3. Another column to add is: “notes.” In the notes column, enter additional information about the individual item or its box; fragile, unpack first, and storage. Be sure to have more than one copy of your inventory list.

2. Box Labeling and Color Coding

When packing for a long-distance move, box labeling is crucial.

●   Name of the room the box goes to —  kitchen, bedroom, etc.

●   Sub-category for the contents: books, collectibles, baby toys

●   A number that corresponds with the inventory list

●   A color dot if using a color-code system

Assign each person in the household and each room a color label for the move. Each box for that individual and room gets their specific color dot. It’s an easy, visual way to organize the boxes pre-move and after arriving at the new home. Color-coding often works great with kids; they can quickly identify their boxes and relieve some stress when relocating.

3. Handling Important Documents

Make copies of everything when possible. Electronic copies are often best, but if not available, copy what you can, including, but not limited to, birth and death certificates, marriage licenses, wills, insurance documents, and vehicle titles. Keep the originals separate from the copies.

File boxes work well for moving documents and important papers, which may also include family photos and diplomas. Consider placing items like passports, social security cards, and other sensitive information in opaque envelopes and then in a sealed file. Label the box and, if possible, move this box yourself.

4. Open-First Box(es)

The open-first box typically gets packed last. It’s the box or boxes with things needed for the first day/night. Everyone’s open-first boxes vary, but they usually contain things like toiletry items, towels, bedding, blankets, pet dishes, and a few essential kitchen items. Be sure to label these boxes as open first.

5. Wardrobe Boxes

Wardrobe boxes make packing and unpacking closets fast and easy. It eliminates having to remove items from hangers and packing in regular boxes. They may be available in different sizes and found at home improvement stores or through your moving company.

6. Extra Care for Fragile Items

Fragile items need extra care — bubble wrap and packing paperwork for glass, porcelain, and other breakables. However, you can also use tee-shirts, pillowcases, and towels as extra padding to keep fragile items safe.

7. Designated Area for Packed Boxes

To keep your living space organized while preparing for a long-distance move, designate an area for packed boxes. These are the boxes that are labeled, sealed, and ready to go on the moving truck. It can be helpful to get packed boxes out of a room, allowing you to see exactly how much is left to pack, donate, sell, or trash.

8. Straight to Storage

You likely have items that live in storage, maybe in an attic, closet, or basement. If not already boxed, pack the items in boxes or totes, and then label “storage.” These are some of the first items to pack, and when they arrive at the other end, these “storage” boxes don’t need to be unpacked immediately.

Additional Moving Help

Be sure to check with your long-distance moving company for any specific packing instructions and for their list of items that they don’t move. You’ll need to make other arrangements for do-not-ship items.

Tips to Help Declutter Before a Household Move

Moving into a new house, apartment, or townhome is an excellent opportunity to simplify your life and free your space of unnecessary clutter. The tricky part when reducing your household bulk is deciding what to move into your new home – and what items should be donated, given away, or discarded.

Tips for Decluttering

Give Yourself Plenty of Time

Go through your current home one room at a time. Start with the least used room and pack the items inside this room first. Tape the bottom of a few different size cartons based on the contents in the room. In your notebook, write down each room’s name, number each box, put the number in your notebook with a list of contents, and write that number on the box with a brief content list.

Pack everything you know you want. You’ll know what those items are because you won’t have to ask yourself if you really want to take them. When a carton is full to the top, seal it with tape. 

When you have packed all the things in that room that you know you want in your new home, leave the room and close the door.

Repeat this process with every room in your home, including the basement, attic, shed, and garage.

When every room has packed boxes in it, start the process over again. Go to room one. Look around. If there is something you really want, pack it. If you’re on the fence, leave the room and close the door

A few days before move out day, contact friends and in exchange for pizza, have them pick a room, and take whatever is left inside to the donation station or to the trash bin. Provide large trash bags.

Bonus Tip:

If you’re packing yourself, buy supplies from a professional long-distance mover

Professional movers buy from suppliers who adhere to specific and strict guidelines. Cartons are tested, inspected, and rated to hold the amount stamped on the bottom. This means they won’t crush when stacked levels high inside a moving van and driven across the country. They will withstand being stacked and placed into a wood container and shipped by van, or loaded into a warehouse storage vault. 

Buy the packing paper and tape from the professional mover as well because they buy in bulk and will charge you a few cents over cost. 

Follow the 6-Month Rule

There are exceptions to this rule, of course, but get rid of things you haven’t used in the past six months. Usually, if you haven’t used an item in six months, you’re probably never going to use it.

As noted, this does not include the obvious things like seasonal clothes, holiday decor, and momentoes with sentimental attachment.

Instead, eliminate items that are unnecessary, duplicates, broken, or just not used anymore.

Bonus Tip:

You might find that you have a couple of oversized items that are logistically tough to get rid of. Tell your move estimator which large items you don’t want to take and ask if the company will dispose of them for you. Often, if there are a few items, the movers will take and discard at no cost. But if it’s an old solid oak baby grand piano and you live on the third floor without an elevator — that may cost you!

Lessen Your Stress

Moving is stressful enough without the additional pressure of having to make tough choices about decluttering and downsizing. There is no need to stress yourself out further by struggling with whether or not to take something you own and love with you or toss it out. 

Give yourself a break. When in doubt, pack the items and take them with you. It’s okay to keep your belongings until you truly know and are ready to part with them. Timing is important. Give yourself all the time you need. When the time is right, you’ll know what to do.

Moving Made Easy

Whether you’re downsizing or moving to a larger space, it’s good to have a friend look at what you own with a critical, non-emotional eye to help.

Moving into a new home can be a fresh start. You will want to keep the things that bring joy or purpose to you or your family.

Are you still looking for moving help? Contact us for a free quote today.

Moving to a New City: Tips for Getting Ready

Moving can be emotionally and physically challenging. With so much to keep track of in your current home plus the details essential to your new home, it’s easy to get bogged down.

Your reasons for moving might be for an excellent new job opportunity, or you merely want a lifestyle change that comes with a new city. In any case, some specific steps and details will help make that transition a little easier.

Preparing for your relocation is vital so that it goes as smoothly and as hassle-free as possible.

Set Some Goals

Before you pack and leave, be sure you know precisely why you’re moving and what you want to achieve. A list of personal, professional, and family goals will help you stay focused on your new life in your new city.

Investigate the New City

If you are preparing to move, you likely have some idea about the area you have committed to moving to. Spend some additional time researching your new city or town by exploring the internet. Check out everything from local weather to school ratings. You might even locate the nearest grocery and convenience stores, pizza places, and coffee shops.

Reach out to friends and followers on social media who might have knowledge and information about your new hometown. This is an excellent way to get personal recommendations about the area as well as its attractions.

Connect with Friends

Before you move, take the opportunity to connect with your friends who live in the area you are headed to. Even though some of these might simply be acquaintances or people you knew years ago, make contact. You might be surprised by how much value their experience or guidance provides. 

Also, making contact with these individuals might allow you the opportunity to socialize once you make the move. Perhaps you will have a network of individuals to rely on if you need any help in your new city.

Discard Non-Essentials

Relocating to a brand new city is the ideal time for a fresh start. A big move is a considerable change that allows you to purge and donate items you no longer need or use.

As you make your way room to room packing your things, hold yourself in check. Before you pack an item, ask yourself if it is something you need. This process will allow you to let go of things and lighten your load. Ultimately purging the non-essential stuff will make moving and unpacking much easier.

Secure a Moving Company

Eliminate moving anxiety by hiring a moving company.

A residential moving company can help you pack, load, and transport all your belongings to your new home. They will also help set it up how you want it. 

Moving to a New City

Ease the demands of moving to a new city by being proactive and prepping for the experience. If you do, you are sure to get to your new city, and hit the ground running.

Do you need help moving to your new city? Contact us for a virtual survey and quote.