Where is the Ideal Location for Your Business Headquarters?

Now that your company is growing and thriving, it’s time to expand your operations and establish a central headquarters. You want somewhere accessible and highly visible so new clients can see what you’re all about. However, you have to balance the benefits of being in a high-traffic area with the costs of rent and utilities.

So, with that in mind, here are some top considerations to make when deciding where to relocate your corporate headquarters.

Proximity to Workers

In the modern era, remote work is far more common than ever. About 30 percent of all employees work from home, which experts anticipate to remain stable or increase in the coming years.

So, to compete with the allure of remote positions, companies might need to make their headquarters accessible to their in-person workforce. It can also help to have various perks, such as free parking, bike stalls, and mass transit options. This way, workers from every corner of the city can get to the office however they like.

While your workforce may live in diverse areas, focus on where most of the core office personnel live and avoid giving them an extensive commute.

Visibility and Accessibility for Clients

You may need to host client events or meetings in addition to those for employees. If a client must travel there, your office setting might influence their initial opinion of your business. Ensure that the office setting reflects the image of your business.

While you don’t have to rent the top floor of the tallest building in the city, make sure the facility you use reflects your brand ideals and corporate culture. For example, a modest one-story building works well if your brand identity is humble and hard-working. Similarly, if your brand is all about sustainability, it can help to work out of a LEED-certified building.

Rent Prices

Rent and utility costs can be prohibitively expensive for businesses seeking office space in some major metropolitan areas. So, while you may prefer a high-rise location, you should not jeopardize your business by moving there if its cash flow can not handle it.

Also, consider how rent prices will increase over time. On average, commercial rent prices increase two to three percent per year, which can add up to a hefty bill after 10 or 15 years in the same location.


Ideally, your business will continue to scale up and thrive, meaning you might have to add more office space or take over more floors. Alternatively, you may outsource work to more remote staff members, meaning you don’t need to pay for such a large office.

So, you need to consider your long-term needs and find a location that can scale up or down as needed. This way, you can adapt according to the needs of your business and avoid getting saddled with unnecessary office space.

Get Help Moving Your Corporate Headquarters Today!

Establishing your corporate headquarters can be a tough job with many moving parts. So, let us help with the actual moving and transportation to eliminate downtime. Contact us today to see how we can make moving your office easier!