Best Practices for Packing Electronics for a Household Move

Relocating to a new home can be thrilling and challenging as you face organizing and packing your possessions. Electronics, being valuable and often delicate, require special attention to ensure they arrive at your new home in perfect condition. Here are some best practices for packing electronics for a household move.

1. Inventory Your Electronics

Make a detailed inventory of all your electronic devices before the move. Take photos and note serial numbers. Consider purchasing additional moving insurance to cover valuable electronics.

2. Gather Necessary Packing Supplies

Before you start packing, gather all the essential supplies. You will need:

  • Sturdy moving boxes of various sizes
  • Original packaging, if available
  • Bubble wrap and packing paper
  • Anti-static packing peanuts
  • Strong packing tape
  • Labels and markers
  • Cable ties or rubber bands

Note:  If you still have the original boxes and packaging materials for your electronics, use them. Original packaging is designed to protect the specific device and often provides the best fit. 

3. Backup Your Data

Before packing any electronic devices, make sure to back up important data. Use external hard drives, cloud storage, or other backup methods to ensure your data is safe in case of damage during the move. This is particularly crucial for computers, tablets, and smartphones.

4. Remove Batteries and Discs

Remove all batteries from your devices to prevent leakage during transit. If your electronics have removable discs or cartridges, such as CDs, DVDs, or game cartridges, take them out and pack them separately. This reduces the risk of damage to both the devices and the discs.

5. Label and Organize Cables

Electronics often come with a myriad of cables. To avoid confusion and frustration later, label each cable before packing. Use cable ties or rubber bands to bundle them neatly. Consider taking pictures of how the wires are connected to each device to make reassembly easier.

6. Provide Adequate Cushioning

Wrap each electronic device individually in bubble wrap or packing paper to protect it from shocks and impacts. Place the wrapped items in boxes, filling any gaps with anti-static packing peanuts or crumpled packing paper. This prevents the items from shifting during transit.

7. Pack Smaller Items in Larger Boxes

For smaller electronics like tablets, cameras, or gaming consoles, consider placing them in a larger box with additional cushioning. This adds a layer of protection to help keep your packing more organized.

8. Secure and Seal Boxes Properly

Secure the boxes with strong packing tape. Make sure to strengthen the bottoms of the cartons with additional tape to ensure they do not break under the weight. It is important to clearly label each box with its contents and indicate which side should face up.

9. Keep Essential Electronics Accessible

Pack essential electronics, such as laptops, smartphones, and chargers, in a separate box or bag that you keep with you. This ensures access to essential devices during the move and reduces the risk of them getting lost or damaged.

10. Consider Climate Control

If you’re moving during extreme weather conditions, consider the temperature sensitivity of your electronics. Extreme heat or cold can damage certain devices. If possible, transport these items in your personal vehicle, where you can control the temperature.

11. Seek Professional Help if Needed

If you have expensive or fragile electronics, consider hiring professional packers and movers who know how to handle them. They have the expertise and equipment to ensure your devices are packed and transported safely.

Packing electronics for a household move requires careful planning and attention to detail. By following these best practices, you can ensure that your valuable devices arrive at your new home in excellent condition. We can help provide expert packing and transport of all your valuable belongings. Contact us today for a free quote.

9 Strategies to Boost Employee Productivity During an Office Move

Office relocations can be challenging, but you can maintain employee productivity throughout the transition with the right approach. Here are some tips to keep your team motivated and efficient during your office move.

1. Communicate Early and Often

Open and transparent communication is essential during an office relocation. Provide your employees with ample notification regarding the relocation. Explain the reasons behind the relocation, the timeline, and how it will benefit the company and them. Regular updates can alleviate anxiety and keep everyone on the same page. Respond to any concerns or questions as soon as possible to foster transparency and trust.

2. Involve Employees in the Planning Process

Involving employees in planning can boost their morale and make them feel valued. Create a relocation committee with representatives from different departments to gather input and address specific needs. This inclusion ensures the new office space accommodates everyone’s requirements, leading to a smoother transition. Encourage feedback on layout, amenities, and workspaces, which can help create a comfortable and productive environment.

3. Provide Clear Roles and Responsibilities

Define clear roles and responsibilities for the relocation process. Assign tasks to individuals or teams to cover all aspects of the move. When employees know their specific duties, it reduces confusion and increases efficiency. A well-organized plan helps everyone stay focused and productive, minimizing disruptions to daily operations.

4. Maintain Regular Work Schedules

Keeping a consistent work schedule as much as possible during the relocation is crucial for maintaining productivity. If the move requires temporary disruptions, plan them during non-peak hours or over weekends to minimize impact on business operations. Allow for flexible work arrangements, such as remote work or flextime, to meet the needs of employees. Ensuring employees can continue their tasks with minimal interruption will help maintain workflow and productivity.

5. Set Up Temporary Workspaces

If the move requires significant time, consider setting up temporary workspaces. These can be co-working spaces or rented offices nearby. Having a dedicated place where employees can continue their work without the distractions of the moving process can significantly enhance productivity. Ensure these temporary spaces have the tools and technology to support efficient work.

6. Leverage Technology

Utilize technology to streamline the relocation process. Project management tools can help you organize tasks and track your progress. Cloud-based storage ensures that important documents are accessible from anywhere, reducing downtime. Communication platforms like Slack or Microsoft Teams can keep everyone connected and informed. By leveraging technology, you can make the transition smoother and more efficient.

7. Keep Employee Morale High

Maintaining high morale is essential for productivity. Organize team-building activities or social events to keep spirits up. Celebrate small milestones in the relocation process to acknowledge employees’ efforts. Provide perks like free lunches or relaxation zones in the new office to create a positive work environment. Happy employees are more likely to stay productive and motivated during the move.

8. Offer Support and Resources

Moving can be stressful, so providing support and resources is vital. Offer assistance with packing and unpacking, or hire professional movers to handle the heavy lifting. Guide on setting up new workstations to ensure everyone can settle in quickly. Consider offering counseling services or stress-relief activities to help employees manage the emotional aspects of the move.

9. Evaluate and Adjust

After the move, evaluate the relocation process and gather feedback from employees. Assess what worked well and what could be improved for future moves. Use this feedback to make necessary adjustments and ensure the new office space supports productivity and employee satisfaction.

Office Relocation Simplified

An office relocation doesn’t have to disrupt productivity. You can ensure a smooth transition by planning ahead of time, communicating clearly, and focusing on employee well-being. Having professional assistance during an office move can simplify the process, allowing you to focus on keeping employees as productive as possible. Contact us for a free quote.

8 Things to Do When Moving Into a Rental Home

Moving into a new rental home is an exciting yet busy time! To ensure everything goes smoothly and you settle in without a hitch, follow this essential checklist. Here are six crucial things you should do when moving into your new rental home:

1. Snap Photos of Everything

Protect yourself from potential disputes over damages by taking comprehensive photos of the entire property as soon as you move in. Capture images of any scuff marks, nail holes, stains, and damages to appliances or fixtures. Ensure your camera’s time and date stamp is on so you have a clear record of the property’s condition upon arrival. These photos can be a lifesaver if you have questions about damages when moving out.

2. Initiate, Transfer, or Cancel Utility Providers

Make arrangements to switch or cancel your current utility providers to avoid paying more than necessary for your utilities. Give your municipal trash, recycling, electricity, water, and landscape services at least a month’s notice. Schedule an installation appointment early if you transfer services to ensure a move-in date. 

3. Test Appliances, Lights, and Fixtures

Before settling in, test all the appliances, light fixtures, switches, and other gadgets in the rental. Check that the thermostat controls the temperature correctly and that the heating and air conditioning systems work. Run the shower and faucets to verify proper drainage. If you find any issues, report them to your landlord immediately. This helps to ensure that everything is fixed promptly, avoiding future inconveniences.

4. Update Your Renters Insurance Policy

Renters insurance is necessary to protect your belongings in unexpected events like fires or theft. If you already have a policy, update it with your new address to ensure continued coverage. If you don’t have renters insurance, now is the perfect time to get it. It’s often surprisingly affordable and offers invaluable peace of mind.

5. Buy Window Treatments

Privacy is key in your new space. Measure your windows and purchase window treatments if they’re not already included. Installing curtains or blinds immediately will make you feel comfortable and secure in your new home, ensuring privacy as you get settled.

6. Unpack Strategically

Start unpacking as soon as you move in, focusing on the most essential items. Prioritize boxes containing important items like clothes, kitchen essentials, and electronics. Once the critical items are in place, you can take time with less essential belongings. Unpacking and organizing your primary necessities will help you feel more at home quickly.

7. Update Your Address

To ensure your mailing address is updated when you move, schedule your mail forwarding service at least two weeks in advance. Although mail forwarding can start as soon as three business days after your request is submitted, the USPS advises waiting at least two weeks as best practice.

8. Consider Moving Companies

Consider hiring a moving company. Moving out of state or into densely populated areas with limited public parking can be difficult without a moving company. When hiring movers, always research and compare quotes to ensure you get a fair price and high-quality contractors.

Find an Ideal Moving Company

Make your move stress-free by partnering with a reliable, professional moving company. With expert help, you’ll enjoy a smoother transition into your new rental home. Contact us for a free quote. We can help with your rental relocation.

Preparing for the Big Day: Easy Ways to Help the Movers

Hiring professional movers can significantly reduce your household relocation stress. Even with professional assistance, there are several steps you can take to make the process as smooth as possible. By preparing correctly, you can make the movers’ job easier, providing a quicker, more efficient move. Here are some simple ways to make the moving day more manageable for your movers and yourself.

Allow Space for Truck Parking

One of the first things to consider when preparing for movers is ensuring they have adequate space to park their truck. Moving trucks are large and need lots of space to park

  • Relocate Your Cars: Clear your driveway or parking area by moving your vehicles to the street or a neighbor’s driveway.
  • Speak With Your Neighbors: Inform your neighbors about your moving day. Politely ask if they can move their vehicles to free up space. Most neighbors will understand and be willing to help.
  • Clear Obstacles: Remove any outdoor furniture, yard decor, or other obstructions that could hinder the truck’s access. This includes planters, bicycles, and garden tools.

Clear the Pathways

Movers will need clear, unobstructed paths to efficiently and safely move your belongings from your home to the truck. This is particularly important for more oversized items that require more maneuvering. To clear the way:

  • Inside the House: Remove clutter from hallways, staircases, and doorways. This includes shoes, rugs, and small furniture pieces that could pose trip hazards.
  • Outside the House: Ensure the pathways from the front door to the truck are clear. This means moving items like garden hoses, children’s toys, and outdoor furniture out of the way.
  • Secure Pets: If you have pets, keeping them in a secure room or with a friend for the day is a good idea. This prevents them from getting underfoot and keeps them safe.

Clear paths help movers work more efficiently and reduce the risk of accidents, protecting both your belongings and the movers themselves.

Make Sure Everything Is Packed Before Movers Arrive

If you are making a self-pack move, ensure everything is packed and ready before the movers arrive. 

  • Start Packing Early: Begin packing well in advance of your moving date. Packing can be time-consuming, and starting early helps avoid last-minute stress.
  • Pack Room by Room: Focus on packing one room at a time. This keeps things organized and makes unpacking simpler.
  • Label Boxes: Make sure each box is clearly labeled with its contents and the room in your new home. This makes it easier for movers to place the boxes in the right rooms, streamlining the unpacking process.

When you have everything packed and ready, the movers can start loading the truck immediately. This saves time and potentially reduces costs if you pay by the hour.

Be Available and Communicate

Your presence on moving day is crucial for a smooth process. 

  • Give Clear Instructions: Provide clear instructions about which items need special handling and which furniture pieces can be disassembled. Point out fragile items and high-value belongings.
  • Stay Accessible: Ensure you’re easily reachable if movers have any questions. Provide your contact number if you need to step out briefly.

Communication and availability can help resolve any issues quickly and ensure the move goes smoothly.

Help for Your Big Moving Day

We provide dependable household moving services that are flexible and comprehensive, tailored to suit any situation and budget. Get your free moving quote right now by completing the form to get started.

Getting to Know Your Community After a Move

Moving to a new place is an exciting adventure with varying emotions, from the thrill of exploring a new environment to the uncertainty of unfamiliar surroundings. Getting to know your community is one of the most important aspects of settling into a new home. Connecting with neighbors and exploring local amenities can help you feel more at home and integrated into your new environment. Here are some tips on how to get to know your community after a household move.

1. Introduce Yourself to Your Neighbors

Introducing yourself to your neighbors is one of the first steps to getting to know your community. A friendly greeting can go a long way in establishing rapport and building relationships with those around you. Take the initiative to say hello, introduce yourself, and initiate conversation when you see your neighbors outside or during a chance encounter.

Friendships with your neighbors can help you feel more connected to your new home and community. It’s a great way to learn more about the neighborhood, local events, and amenities from those who know it best.

2. Attend Community Events and Activities

Engaging in community events and activities is an excellent way to immerse yourself in your new environment and meet new people. Look out for local events, festivals, farmers’ markets, or community gatherings in your area. These activities can help you get to know others in your community and learn about its rich culture and spirit.

Also, joining clubs, organizations, or community groups in your area that share your interests is an excellent way to meet people who share your interests and make friends that will last. Whether it’s a book club, sports team, or volunteer group, community activities can enrich your experience and help you feel more at home.

3. Explore Local Amenities and Establishments

Take the time to explore the local amenities and establishments in your new community. Visit nearby parks, restaurants, cafes, shops, and recreational facilities to familiarize yourself with the area and discover new places to frequent.

Exploring your community’s offerings can help you find your favorite spots and become more integrated into the local culture. Whether grabbing a coffee at the neighborhood cafe, walking in the park, or trying out a new restaurant, exploring local amenities is a fun and rewarding way to get to know your community.

4. Join Neighborhood Social Media Groups

Joining neighborhood social media groups or online forums can help you connect with your community and learn about local events and discussions. Many neighborhoods have dedicated social media groups where residents share information, organize gatherings, and offer recommendations. It’s a convenient way to connect with your community from the comfort of your home and stay updated on what’s happening in your neighborhood.

5. Volunteer in the Community

Volunteering is a meaningful way to give back to your new community while meeting new people and making connections. Find local volunteer or community service projects that match your skills and interests.

Whether you’re assisting at a local charity, participating in a community clean-up event, or volunteering at a neighborhood event, contributing your time and effort can help you feel more involved and invested in your community. Volunteering is a rewarding experience that allows you to make a positive impact while getting to know your neighbors and fellow residents.

6. Host a Housewarming Party

Throwing a housewarming party is a great way to meet your neighbors and make new friends. Invite people from your neighborhood to come over for some food and drinks. It’s a fun way to break the ice and build relationships with those around you.

Move With Confidence

Don’t let the idea of a new neighborhood intimidate you. Make moving easier with professional movers and focus on exploring your new neighborhood. Contact us today for a moving quote and start exploring your new surroundings with ease.

6 Tips to Maximize Closet Space After Moving

Moving to a new home is exciting. Maximizing closet space after a household move is crucial for several reasons, including boosting storage capacity, improving organization, and enhancing the overall functionality of your new living space. However, many people need help with clutter and lack of closet space. You can optimize your closet space with a few easy tricks, creating a more organized and functional storage area.

1. Clear Out Unwanted Items

The first step in improving your closet space is decluttering and removing unwanted or old items. If you didn’t take the opportunity to do this before your move, now is your chance. Look at your clothes, shoes, and accessories, and eliminate anything you no longer wear or use. This will free up space in your closet, making it easier to see and access the items you use regularly. Decluttering can also have mental benefits, as it can help ease anxiety and create a sense of control in your life.

2. Add Shelving

If your closet only has a single shelf above the hanging rod, consider adding additional shelving to create more storage space. Install wall shelves or use freestanding shelf units to create more surface area for storing your accessories, shoes, and other items. Having more shelving in your closet can help you stay organized and make keeping track of your belongings easier.

3. Use Containers

Containers can be a great way to maximize the space in your closet and keep your items organized. Use smaller containers for jewelry and accessories and larger containers for shoes, outfits, and other items. Use stackable containers to save space, or invest in a shelving unit with pull-out drawers for easier access to your belongings.

4. Think Vertically

Remember to utilize the vertical space in your closet. The upper section of your closet is often underused, but you can add shelves or storage units to store seasonal items or items you use sparingly. Consider keeping a folding ladder in your closet to make accessing items on higher shelves easier.

5. Use Double Hangers

A straightforward way to use the space in your closet is to use double hangers. You can double the clothing in your closet by hanging two items on a single hanger without taking up additional space. This can maximize the vertical space in your closet and make it easier to see and access your clothes.

6. Maximize Closet Door Storage

Take notice of the potential storage space on the closet door. Install hooks or hanging bins on the door to store accessories like shoes, scarves, and hats. This clever storage solution helps keep frequently used items within easy reach.

Relocate With Ease

By following these tips, you can make the most of the space in your closet and create a more organized and functional storage area. Contact us for a quote if you need assistance packing, shipping, or setting up your belongings in a new space. We can assist you in making your move as smooth and stress-free as possible.

Short-Distance Move? Why It’s Still Worth Hiring Professional Movers

If you’re moving across town, you might be considering handling the relocation yourself without the help of professional movers. After all, you’re not moving far—so why not DIY the whole thing and save some money?

As tempting as it is to forego professional help during a short-distance move, there are several reasons that you should still hire movers.

Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones

First, understand that the distance between your current home and your new home has nothing to do with the amount of work that goes into physically loading and unloading a moving truck. Without professional movers helping you, you’ll still need to get every box and piece of furniture from your home into the moving truck and your new place.

This can be a physically demanding endeavor, especially if you have larger/heavier furniture that you need to disassemble and reassemble for the move. When tackling this kind of physical labor yourself (or recruiting help from friends/loved ones), you could put yourself or others at risk of injury.

Why take that risk? Hiring a short-distance moving team lets you get all your items from point A to point B without worrying about moving-related injuries.

Enjoy Added Peace of Mind

When you hire professional movers, you can also enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing that your movers know how to properly handle and relocate even the most challenging furniture and other items without causing damage. In some cases, movers may even be able to disassemble and reassemble furniture pieces to get them transported safely.

Regrettably, if you choose not to hire professional movers, you will be responsible for any damage that may occur to your furniture or other belongings during the move. And since you are not a professional, there is a higher chance that this damage may occur. Unfortunately, these expenses can cancel out any savings you have gained from not hiring a moving company for your short-distance move. 

Save Time and Stress

Hiring professional movers for even a short-distance move can save you considerable time and stress. Without worrying about loading and unloading the moving truck or transporting items between homes, you can focus your time and attention on other important matters—such as getting utilities set up at your new place or handling other loose ends.

This is especially true if there is inclement weather on the day of your move. Do you really want to deal with the stress of loading, unloading, and driving a moving truck in bad weather? Leave it to the professionals, keep your belongings safe, and allow yourself to focus on other aspects of your move instead.

Request a Moving Quote Today

Whether moving down the street or to the next town over, you can still benefit from having professional movers for a short-distance move. From protecting yourself (and loved ones) from potential injury to saving time and reducing stress, the right short-distance moving team is worth its weight in gold.

Ready to request your short-distance moving quote? Contact our team today!

Tips for Transitioning During a Move with an Elderly Live-In Loved One

Do you live with an elderly loved one? If so, you are part of a large group of the population. According to a report by AARP, the trend of older adults residing with their adult children, grandchildren, or other family members is on the rise.

While cohabitating with an elderly loved one is a growing standard, this living arrangement can pose unique challenges if you have to move. Older adults can have specific needs during household relocation.

Understanding Your Elderly Loved One’s Requirements for the Move

Before moving day, do what you can to evaluate your loved one’s needs. For example, an inventory of medical necessities and medications must be tended to or managed during the transition.

In some cases, your loved one may have health issues or mobility issues to think about. Therefore, before the move, consider scheduling an appointment with your loved one’s healthcare provider to discuss any medical considerations. Likewise, make arrangements for medical transport if necessary.

Choosing Accommodations Suitable for Elderly Comfort

Shopping for a place to live can look much different if you move with an elderly individual. Due to changes in mobility, accessibility features will need to be considered as you evaluate different homes. A few aspects to consider as you search for a home suitable for an aging senior include:

  • Prioritize single-story or accessible housing options.
  • Look for amenities like handrails in bathrooms and non-slip flooring.
  • Consider proximity to healthcare facilities and community resources.

Developing a Moving Strategy to Minimize Stress

The more you can minimize stress for your loved one, the better. Therefore, plan the move when your loved one is most comfortable and least stressed. Additionally, start packing and planning early.

If possible, break down tasks into manageable steps and spread them out over time so you are not overwhelmed with everything if you act as a primary caregiver. Lastly, enlist the help of family members, friends, or professional movers as needed.

Providing Compassionate Care Throughout the Transition

Keep lines of communication open with your loved one about the move. If they feel like you are making changes without their input or considering their well-being, the move can be more stressful for everyone involved. Additionally, be compassionate towards their needs and offer reassurance and support during the transition. Make sure they know that you care about their concerns and feelings.

Tips for Adjusting to the New Environment and Routine

Once the move is finished, returning to the regular routine as quickly as possible will help your loved one settle in and feel comfortable faster. If their health permits, take them with you when interacting with the new community or exploring your new surroundings.

Also, be sure your loved ones stay connected to friends or family members they left behind. For example, plan to visit a close friend or enjoy a particular activity in the old location if distance permits.

Enlist Residential Movers to Ease the Transition

Moving always requires extraordinary mindfulness for all members of the household. However, moving with an elderly loved one may require more personalized attention. Enlisting a residential moving company for assistance throughout the process can ensure you have the time and attention to allocate. Contact us for a free quote today.

Parks to Visit Near Lowell, MA, and Portsmouth, NH, This Spring

As winter loosens its icy grip, all thoughts turn to the great outdoors. You’re in luck if you’re moving to the Lowell, Massachusetts, or Portsmouth, New Hampshire, area in the spring. This New England region has parks that make it easy to get outside. Here are a few favorite parks where you can return to nature this spring.

Jack Kerouac Park

Jack Kerouac Park honors the homegrown poet who hails from Lowell, MA. It’s also the perfect place to spend a sunny spring afternoon.

In this acre of green space along the Merrimack River, you can stroll along peaceful paths and admire the spring flowers in bloom. Read the commemorative plaques emblazoned with Kerouac’s words along the trail.

Stop for a game of table tennis, chess, or checkers, or bring a picnic lunch and relax on the grass. Starting in late spring, the Kerouac Park Concert Series brings live music and food trucks to the park on select weekends.

Strawberry Banke Museum

History comes to life at the Strawberry Banke Museum in Portsmouth, NH. With more than 40 historic houses and buildings dating back to the 17th century, it’s an excellent place for an educational stroll.

In spring, the museum’s Heirloom Gardens burst back into life. Explore more than 10 acres of thoughtfully maintained landscapes, including a formal Victorian garden, a colonial kitchen garden, an herb garden, and three apple orchards. Don’t miss the Abenaki Heritage Teaching Garden, which highlights crops that were—and remain—important to indigenous peoples of the region.

Lowell National Historical Park

There’s always something going on at Lowell National Historical Park, no matter the time of year. But spring is a charming time to visit, thanks to budding greenery and freshly blooming flowers along the canal walkways.

It’s also a perfect setting to explore the region’s rich past. The park has historic buildings, exhibits, and interactive displays, from the Boott Cotton Mills Museum to an 1840s Boarding House.

Start your day at the Visitor Center, where you can learn about the local industries that shaped the region’s past and present. Keep your camera ready for glimpses of local wildlife, from great blue herons and double-crested cormorants to muskrats and squirrels.

Pierce Island

On a sunny spring day, head to Pierce Island. This Portsmouth, NH, park encompasses 27 acres in the Piscataqua River and offers unbeatable water and city views.

Bike or walk through the winding trail network that crisscrosses the island. Bring lunch and stop for a picnic at one of the park’s many picnic areas. Starting in April, the public boat launch makes going on an angling adventure easy. After Memorial Day, the public pool opens for the season.

Walk or bike across the Pierce Island Causeway to Four Tree Island for even more fun. This green space offers picnic tables, grills, and scenic water views.

If you’re planning a move in the area, you’ll love the beautiful parks and open spaces that blend history and nature. And when it’s time to make your move, McLaughlin Transportation Systems is here to do the heavy lifting. Contact us for a free quote.

6 Tips When Packing Your Child’s Bedroom

Of all the bedrooms in the house, children’s bedrooms tend to be the most complicated to pack for a household relocation. Children often have many toys and extensive clutter, ranging from broken crayons to homework papers and more.

Knowing which steps to take and in what order to take them makes this process less overwhelming and more productive. Involving your child in packing, decluttering, and sorting through their items before putting them into boxes is essential. Here’s what you need to know.

Get Them Involved

Your child may feel some anxiety about moving. Uncertainty for the future can weigh on a child. Getting your child involved in the moving process can give them some feeling of control while also making the process easier for you.

If your child is old enough, have them pack with you or independently. Turn packing into a game wherein you both try to pack as much as you can as quickly as you can. You can also challenge your child to pack several boxes rapidly.


When you’re packing your child’s bedroom, it’s vital to declutter as much as possible before placing items into boxes. Decluttering can help reduce the work you must do when moving.

Most kids need their rooms decluttered occasionally anyway, as many children will have items like broken crayons, old homework assignments, and craft projects that don’t need to make the move. You can declutter with your child or do the decluttering for them while they’re in school or out of the house.

Pack a Box of Essentials

Put together a box of your child’s essentials like clothes, pajamas, toiletries, and other items. This box of essentials will come in handy on your first night in your new home, so if your child will need a book or toys to keep them busy, pack those items as well.

Pack Children’s Books in Smaller Boxes

Children’s books may seem lightweight, but hardcover books can be weighty when you stack them together in one place. Use small boxes for children’s books to help keep the weight down.

If your child has many books they no longer read, like board books they’ve outgrown, sort them out from the rest of the books and plan to give them to a charity or sell them at a garage sale.

Sort Their Clothes Before Packing

Your child probably has quite a few clothes they no longer fit into. Sort your child’s clothes before packing them into boxes. If you identify clothes you no longer need, plan to sell them or give them away.

When packing up their shoes, clean them first, removing dirt and debris. If you launder the shoes, be sure they’re completely dry before packing them away.

Photograph Box Contents

While packing your belongings, capturing some photographs of the boxes might be beneficial to provide a visual representation of their contents. The images can offer increased comfort for a child and help alleviate anxiety. If they have inquiries regarding the contents of your belongings, you can provide them with visual aids in the form of pictures. Label the boxes so the movers know where to place them at your new home.

Disassemble Furniture to Move

Disassemble your child’s furniture to get it ready for moving. Make a video of yourself doing this, so you’ll have something to refer to and won’t have difficulty putting it back together.

Need Moving Help? Work With the Experts

Work with the moving experts for your upcoming relocation. Contact us today to discuss your move.